GOG's redesign is yet another illustration of the declining standards of web design (never great to begin with), and on some points crosses the line between "aesthetically questionable and annoying" to downright nonfunctional.
A few of my main complaints:
- Reviews are an utter mess. No line breaks (this is just absurd), ridiculous character limit, broken sorting and filtering (e.g.: my reviews disappear when choosing English language even though my GOG language is set to English) and no way for new reviews to climb to the top.
- The individual game pages now show gigantic banners on top of them which royally screw the layout. Not only they seem to display the ugliest artwork that can be found for each game, but they take an absurd amount of screen space, particularly on small resolutions or screens (mobile).
- Auto-play videos on mouse hover are pretty much the epitome of breach of web etiquette, barring auto-play on open (Steam, I'm looking at you). Whoever thought this was a good idea needs to have their head looked at.
- Search is extremely limited, missing the most useful filters (Genre and Release Date).
[EDIT]: as reported by GHOSTMD, not entirely true, as there's a Genre Dropdown, and you can sort by Date Added or Newest/Oldest. Still, there's no way I know of to filter by specific release dates.
- Layout is debatable, but news and sales should go to the top, or at least be more prominent.
- The screenshot gallery still has next screenshot arrows move with current picture size.
- "GOG Mixes", one of the few unique and attractive features of the site, were inexplicably removed. This was "compensated" by the addition of Curated Collections, a static, non-maintained and devoid of personality waste of page real-state.
- The account's "Activity Feed" now doesn't show the Reviews you write (its only previous useful function).
- Game classification sometimes uses an entirely different meaning for the genre titles that the rest of humanity (happens on Steam too, by the way). E.g., many RPGs and Action Games are classified as Adventure Games instead.
The web designers should get back to the drawing board ASAP because this is the kind of redesign that bleeds customers.
That said, if they do, please make sure they do not break the positive aspects of the current design. GOG's site even in its current diminished state is still cleaner, less cluttered and more focused than Steam (which makes finding a game among the deluge of crap social features and anime meme-games a real chore). The overall design doesn't need to go, just the bugs and questionable layout decisions mentioned above.
Post edited April 05, 2019 by PirroEpirote