fronzelneekburm: Since you're the community manager, I think it's fair to ask you about this: Why exactly does gog feel the need to make the number of games a user owns public every chance they get?
It's been made abundantly clear that some people don't want that when the user profiles were introduced. And that wasn't too long ago... less than 6 months, I think.
Yet, here you are doing it again. Why? Please explain to me the purpose of displaying the number of games owned next to the reviews and how this somehow outweighs privacy concerns.
This is a major concern for me as well. I made
a thread about it here.
Gekko_Dekko: I think, their point is "if somebody worry about privacy, they wont post on forums or make reviews"
But this is a ridiculous attitude. Up until yesterday, there were absolutely no privacy concerns involved with making reviews; now they've gone back and retrospectively edited those reviews to make private account information public, with no warning and no way to opt out. It's pretty appalling, especially considering that GOG must be
well aware of the privacy concerns given what happened when profiles were first introduced.