BlackMageJ: Never played on the tabletop, but I've been on a 40K PC gaming kick since Humble gave away Space Marine (which I'd already played on 360, but it's nice to be able to aim properly this time round), and ended up reinstalling and playing more of Dawn of War I&II, Space Hulk, Regicide etc.
On that note, anyone played Battlefleet Gothic: Armada? Reviews seem to be very inconsitent for it (the professional reviews at launch are almost all very positive, but the Steam reviews are incredibly negative). It looks amazing, and I love the idea of a slow, tactical, positioning-and-angle-matter space RTS, but... it might suck.
It's also currently about £7 on Humble, so I thought I'd try it to see if it's worth getting the imminent sequel (which is set to have a lot more content).
Really only played dawn of war so can't say anything on that game. Would suspect that negative reviews are probably because of a lack of support rather than it being a bad game though.