mechmouse: Found the logger head.
Time zones, Spread the share around the globe and every one can be playing games for free between 4pm-10pm local time for free with no or little chance that the library lock will effect them.
Pheace: Yeah, timezones, that doesn't change what I said. 1 person max using the library, while unlocking games so each 'shared' person can play a game as long as it's not the same game raises that to 5 people concurrently. Missing your point.
What, in the terms of lost sales and abuse to the system, is the difference between :-
5 people getting access to free games due to geographical dislocation
5 people getting access to free games due to using an easily detectable VPN
Its still the exact same amount of people getting free games.
The library lock isn't a deterrent.
mechmouse: Loose the lock only on the LAN.
Yes someone could use a VPN to get access to a game while in the same time or nearby time zone, but its more hastle and easily detected and countered.
Pheace: It's hardly a hassle, it's a one time setup and with a service as big as Steam will have tutorials/youtube videos on how to do it in no time.
And no, I highly doubt it's easily detectable if done properly and why should Steam have to start another cat and mouse chase trying to stay ahead of whether people are faking a LAN or not, which programmers will be continually working on?
For someone who agrees there's 'so much' abuse of the current system anyway it's baffling to me that you seem to be willing to assume people won't abuse this one.
Lets explain how switching a VPN on and off will look to a detecting program
Lets say me and you are going to abuse the system.
Your External IP
Your local NIC IP
Default gateway
Hamachi server IP
My External IP
My Local IP
Default gateway
I want to play one of your games. I fire up hamachi and connect to your hamachi server. Suddenly my primary IP becomes and my external IP becomes and my default gateway changes to
Using ad-hoc system like hamachi, there is no way around this.
You only way to make an invisible VPN connection is at router level. There is a permanent connection between our routers. But that means my internet is throttled to your upstream and all my internet traffic goes via your router.