Geektro: Used to be a hardcore gamer, active in IRC and warez trading. Now just a casual gamer with 2 kids.
Vythonaut: So it's true that "kids = casual gaming only"... I guess I should hurry up and play all the classic games I've left for "later". :P
At least for me yes. Mostly console gaming, no MMORPG and an adventure game or two, Still havent touched Fallout 4 and Mad Max. My old lady don't play any video games though probably why.
Thank you!
docbear1975: Welcome to GOG!
Thank you!
Enebias: Nope. No time for presentations: here, whenever someone arrives they get straight into the fray!
Once upon a time there was one (see post 11), but it has never seen much success... so much, in fact, that it has been archived when GOG decided to slim down the general discussion board.
By the way, welcome! :)
I was actually searching for the introduction thread until page 13-14 then i gave up and made one myself.
Thank you.
51nikopol: Welcome...nice avatar!
Thank you, same goes for you!