DaCostaBR: I just unsubscribed to TotalBiscuit today. Been too long since I watched anything of him, tried 5min of the latest video but I don't feel like watching a man say in 50min what could easily be said in 5. Plus, I believe I may have found what I think is his alt, being his usual condescending prick, in his subreddit.
That actually has been happening often to me lately, where I go very long without watching a channel's videos because I slowly got sick of it.
I might have completed my purge of all my subscribed channels. But now I don't have much left to watch.
What good Youtube channels out there would you recommend? ChipCheezum and Ironicus. A running thing you'll notice with my suggestions is that they're all Something Awful goons. That's because SA goons actually know how to make let's play, consindering they were the ones who mastered, codified, and practically began the art as we know it. They're informative, funny, and one of the few who offer a version where they cut the mic over cutscenes. As far as I can tell, there has been no stupid drama between them, their fanbases, or their spouses/girlfriends. One even works at Volition as a video producer, so that's how good it gets.
Ashens. I'm sure most have heard of him. He's the fellow with the brown sofa who makes fun of cheap toys. Seems normal for Norwich.
Deceased Crab. Not actually deceased, but more often dormant than active. Some of his early content is hard to watch due to his vocal quality often being, "Tin can and string", but he is the guy who basically put La-Mulana and Cave story on the map, helping to reboot PC gaming in general.
Chuggaaconroy. Bright, enthusiastic, informative, punmaker. Chugga is very much so a man of the people. Even if you hate his puns and your ears are blown off by his outbursts, one tends to find that he's a very charming guy otherwise, and he's very good at giving information, although he can get distracted and go on tangents.
Ah, ProtonJon. Another founding pillar of Let's Play, most people should have forgotten his long gone Kaizo Mario days. These days, he can primarily be found on Twich.TV, but he does occasionally do a traditional Let's Play, such as his recently concluded adventures in gambling, of Wario Land I.
Slowbeef. You can't really mention Let's play without realizing that this goon basically made it the art that it is. PewDiePie may have ruined the art, but Slowbeef is the Father Chronos.
There, that aughta get you started.