rtcvb32: Hmmm not sure I'd recommend any chess games.
When I have tried electronic chess or playing against the computer, depending on the difficulty they will make really weird moves, like moving a knight several places and then just out of nowhere just taking your Queen. In those cases playing on the easiest setting was harder than an actual difficulty level.
The difficulty also has more to do with raw brute force 1-4 steps ahead rather than determining a long term strategy. This means behavior will determine how much weight and value it put certain pieces rather than anything else. It also means they won't usually make obvious mistakes that someone might, like moving into place for an attack without protecting the piece first.
While being a strong intermediate player, computer AI is just annoying to deal with.
I think it depends on what you expect from the AI.
On one hand, a really good human player won't make obvious mistakes either. If you want a ruthless opponent that will help you improve, the computer will be OK.
If you are expecting to win against a weaker opponent, as to keep motivated, then playing against a human or against the computer may be different.
But different chess engines may provide different "feels". How they scale down is a different matter, but is clearly being worked on.