mrcrispy83: King's Field/Shadow Tower series, though they're probably a lot simpler.
I thought Shadow Tower looked interesting, but it's only for the original playstation as far as I could see (?). Neither of them feel like Arx though, but thanks for the suggestions anyway.
BlackMageJ: Have you tried Dishonored then?
There's also the System Shock and Deus Ex game
I did try Dishonored, and I really didn't like it. Oh sure it starts off strong, but before long you're so infused with powers that you blink across maps and nothing poses a challenge anymore. It goes from being a stealth game to being a ... I'm not sure how to describe it, but they went too far with the powers I felt like. Enemies spot you? Np, juts blink away a couple of times within the span of a second and you're safe. Then come back and activate your insane powers and everyone is dead without you having to engage your brain. I think it would definitely be a great game if it wasn't for those overpowered skills though. I did get quite far into it, before I just couldn't take it anymore.
I played System Shock a few months ago, and got to floor 3. I enjoyed it, but I decided I'd wait for the re-imagining that's in the works. I haven't played System Shock 2 for many, many years, so that might be worth taking a look at.
Siannah: You're definitely wrong here. Arkane actually thought about getting the
Ultima Underworld license for this game.
Dark Messiah (Arkane's next game) has been mentioned.
If the Thief series captured that spark for you, the obvious stuff like Deus Ex, System Shock 2, Arcanum comes to mind - so pretty much everything from Looking Glass and Troika.
Lands of Lore 1 worked, but the sequels didn't. That makes it more complicated to recommend. LoL3 is understandable, but 2 should fit. So I just throw in a rather unknown gem that I loved as much as LoL1, which is
Anvil of Dawn - though it might turn out to be more like Stonekeep for you.
And there's a Doom 3 mod that tries to prequel Arx Fatalis. You can find it at the
Arx - End Of Sun site or check
gameplay videos first.
I guess I stand corrected on the Ultima Underworld statement. In truth I only saw a friend play it way back when, and only checked a few youtube videos before having an interest in it again, so I don't know enough about it I suppose. It's on my list anyway.
I'm not disputing Deus Ex, Arcanum etc etc are fine games, but they don't feel like Arx to me (I'd like to see you make the argument that Arcanum = Arx).
I'll pass on that Anvil of Dawn game. We're getting a bit too far off what I wanted with that.
The Doom 3 mod looks alright (though it's very clear it's a fan project in form of a mod as some of the design looks a little amateurish, though it also seems pretty faithful in that it has the same spell casting system, sounds, and other things, so I'm definitely interested even if I don't own Doom 3. However looking into it, it seems abandoned? Last beta update was in May last year, and last developer comment was in June. I'm looking for a full experience.
Starkrun: Wizardy 8 is sort of like Arx, big world lots to do but its not underground.
and [url=]Gothic 2 Is really close to graphics and "on your own" feel of Arx. They do have better quests (subjectively) and a little bit longer storyline.
What it sounds like is that your a fan of Warren Spector, and his style of games. But to be honest there is absolulty nothing like Arx out there... the game is itself unique to its own style of gameplay.
Thanks for the suggestions. I've edited out the suggestions I've addressed before, but I'll address these suggestions left. I actually own Wizardry 8, and it's on my "to play this year" list. However it's radically different from Arx I should say? You control a party of 6 people if I recall correctly and combat is either turn-based or pausable (can't remember which).
Gothic 1 & 2 are awesome suggestions. I've played them both though (Completed Gothic 1 around 5 times and Gothic 2 only once but it was ever so glorious). I've also beaten Risen before anyone suggests that (also an amazing game).
You're right in that I'm a Warren Spector fan. I suppose there is some hope, in that he's making Underworld Ascendant and System Shock 3 (though when we'll ever see that is a mystery).
Thanks for the suggestions.
Densetsu: You might want to follow Underworld Ascendant, which is in development and people who brought us Ultima Underworld games are involved.
Yeah thanks, I am following it a little loosely. I think the ideas they have are great, and I'm sorta sad I didn't back it on kickstarter. However I wasn't aware it was essentially the Looking Glass team who ran it until a couple of weeks ago when a post on reddit made me aware of this. I really it'll be glorious.