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I have a question. I weight in on about 70 kg and I'm quite short for my length due to birth defect in my spine.
So yeah, I'm overweight. Or rather obese.

Anyway, on to my question. I seem to have problems sleeping lying down. It appears that i can only sleep while sitting up, leaning against a wall. The problem with this is I get some serious pains in my neck, shoulders and upper back in the morning. Do this have something to do with my weight, that I can't sleep lying down?
See a doctor jesus christ you can't even sleep lying down, what do you Swedes eat? Glad my genes are Danish. :P
Post edited October 01, 2016 by Garrison72
Garrison72: See a doctor jesus christ you can't even sleep lying down, what do you Swedes eat? Glad my genes are Danish. :P
Lol. Maybe I should. I feel fine otherwise, of course I feel bad emotionally being fat but at least i try to do something about it.
JesperU: Do this have something to do with my weight, that I can't sleep lying down?
That sounds more like it has to do with your spine/some other structural or neurological problem rather than your body weight.
I'd advise seeing a doctor.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure this is a spine thing.

My dad's pretty fat and he can sleep any way he wants.

You should see a doctor immediately.
JesperU: Do this have something to do with my weight, that I can't sleep lying down?
zeogold: That sounds more like it has to do with your spine/some other structural or neurological problem rather than your body weight.
I'd advise seeing a doctor.
Yeah, might as well. Too bad it's weekend now though.
DaCostaBR: Yeah, I'm pretty sure this is a spine thing.

My dad's pretty fat and he can sleep any way he wants.

You should see a doctor immediately.
Come to think of it, my dad was also quite large but slept flat on his back like it was nothing.
Post edited October 01, 2016 by JesperU
I'm not a doctor, so this is just my 2cents. It's definitely is not normal if you can't lay down comfortable. You should see a doctor or chiropractor maybe. But look at your bed as well and make it comfortable for you. I get some serious neck inflammation I found out simply by not using a pillow or one that is too stiff, especially those memory pillows are no good because they are stiff and restrict movements. Just using the right pillow (fluffy with good supports) fixed much of the problem.

The other cause is/was my posture, so I raised all my monitors to prevent hunching. I have some low back damage from a car accident, so I prefer standing at work. This problem extends to your wrist and causing carpal tunnel, just by fixing the neck issues eliminated most of the soreness in my wrists and palm (small percentage from excess keyboard use which can be helped with squeeze ball exercise).

You might want to try sleeping in an inclined chair for the time being if that help.

As for losing weight, health and nutrition is the most conflictive and hostile topic that happens on the internet, more than politics or anything else. I would recommend reading up on low carb diet. (I can already sense negative rep coming my way), but it can save your life.
Post edited October 01, 2016 by eksasol
DaCostaBR: Yeah, I'm pretty sure this is a spine thing.

My dad's pretty fat and he can sleep any way he wants.

You should see a doctor immediately.
JesperU: Come to think of it, my dad was also quite large but slept flat on his back like it was nothing.
And my dad even has back problems of his own. A good mattress can offset some back pain, you should ask your doctor about it. But definitely do go to the doctor.
Post edited October 01, 2016 by DaCostaBR
Thanks everyone for adding your words! I know this is a place for gaming, but I had to ask.
I'll phone my doctor the first thing on monday.
Basically, to summarize everything in this thread:

For somebody with spinal issues, you should especially be doing so frequently.
zeogold: Basically, to summarize everything in this thread:

For somebody with spinal issues, you should especially be doing so frequently.
I used to when I was a kid. But then they sorta... well, gave up on me. Heh.
eksasol: I would recommend reading up on low carb diet. (I can already sense negative rep coming my way), but it can save your life.
Low *calorie* ;)
JesperU: I used to when I was a kid. But then they sorta... well, gave up on me. Heh.
Hey, it's their job. You're paying them.
eksasol: I would recommend reading up on low carb diet. (I can already sense negative rep coming my way), but it can save your life.
onarliog: Low *calorie* ;)
Again, it's a controversial topic so I'm weary of bringing it up. I don't believe low calorie help lose weight if it's the wrong type of calorie (carbs).
JesperU: I used to when I was a kid. But then they sorta... well, gave up on me. Heh.
zeogold: Hey, it's their job. You're paying them.
Yeah I know