MODERN475: An answer in part could be exercise. Do some pushups, stretch everyday, and extra exercises for your back and neck muscles. Trust me, after a week or two of 30 minutes a day, it could do wonders.
What worked for me was mild exercise, back exercises, daily intake of fresh vegetables in particular raw celery and carrots as often as possible, completely eliminating tea and coffee and sugar containing drinks from my diet and mostly switching to plain old filtered water, as well as eating mostly home cooked meals and eliminating processed foods.
It was a challenge to do, but I did it one little bit at a time, and rather than eliminating foods/drink and feeling bad about it from missing things, instead I added new things that were healthier and tried different things out until I found things I enjoyed, then ended up eating/drinking healthier stuff I liked more and more over time and leaving less and less meals/snacks of unhealthy stuff.
The biggest factor for me in reducing back pain and joint pain and inflammation though was eliminating tea and coffee and other diuretics from my diet completely. I didn't even do it on purpose, but as an elimination diet rather. My discomfort went away after a short while and I didn't even realize it, then when I started drinking tea/coffee again the joint and back problems came back and I put 2 and 2 together and did some experiments for a few months where I avoided them then had them, then avoided them, then had them. After a number of cycles I was able to determine tea and coffee were causing me joint pain and inflammation throughout my body and irritating my spine as well. I rarely drink tea or coffee anymore now and feel a lot better.