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Punkoinyc: 70 KG isn't that big at all.
zeogold: He said he's really short, though. That can be fairly overweight if you're any shorter than 5'2".
He didn't give a height, but if he's over 5 feet tall his BMI is either equal to or less than mine (around 30.3).
Post edited October 01, 2016 by Punkoinyc
zeogold: So I can lose weight by reading your posts?
No. Such a thing isn't feasible. Sorry, wish i could help. I can help you gain weight, instead, by talking about food and mouth-watering edibles, though!
Post edited October 01, 2016 by KiNgBrAdLeY7
An answer in part could be exercise. Do some pushups, stretch everyday, and extra exercises for your back and neck muscles. Trust me, after a week or two of 30 minutes a day, it could do wonders.
MODERN475: An answer in part could be exercise. Do some pushups, stretch everyday, and extra exercises for your back and neck muscles. Trust me, after a week or two of 30 minutes a day, it could do wonders.
Pretty much this. But you forgot the main exercise for burning fat and loosing weight. Walking daily at least 2 hours straight in a row, without break, in fast pace. Straight from the tips of the Grandmaster himself.
MODERN475: An answer in part could be exercise. Do some pushups, stretch everyday, and extra exercises for your back and neck muscles. Trust me, after a week or two of 30 minutes a day, it could do wonders.
What worked for me was mild exercise, back exercises, daily intake of fresh vegetables in particular raw celery and carrots as often as possible, completely eliminating tea and coffee and sugar containing drinks from my diet and mostly switching to plain old filtered water, as well as eating mostly home cooked meals and eliminating processed foods.

It was a challenge to do, but I did it one little bit at a time, and rather than eliminating foods/drink and feeling bad about it from missing things, instead I added new things that were healthier and tried different things out until I found things I enjoyed, then ended up eating/drinking healthier stuff I liked more and more over time and leaving less and less meals/snacks of unhealthy stuff.

The biggest factor for me in reducing back pain and joint pain and inflammation though was eliminating tea and coffee and other diuretics from my diet completely. I didn't even do it on purpose, but as an elimination diet rather. My discomfort went away after a short while and I didn't even realize it, then when I started drinking tea/coffee again the joint and back problems came back and I put 2 and 2 together and did some experiments for a few months where I avoided them then had them, then avoided them, then had them. After a number of cycles I was able to determine tea and coffee were causing me joint pain and inflammation throughout my body and irritating my spine as well. I rarely drink tea or coffee anymore now and feel a lot better.
tinyE: Cancer is a great way to lose weight.
viperfdl: Diabetes also does the trick. But death is still the best diet...
It does? I'm in my thirties and have had diabetes for twenty-odd years, yet I weigh a lot more now than when my immune system started attacking my pancreas.
Post edited October 01, 2016 by Maighstir
zeogold: He said he's really short, though. That can be fairly overweight if you're any shorter than 5'2".
Punkoinyc: He didn't give a height, but if he's over 5 feet tall his BMI is either equal to or less than mine (around 30.3).
I'm just 150 cm
micktiegs_8: If you can lie down fine without pain or anything but just can't sleep, you *may* have conditional insomnia or similar neurological issue.

Do you have trouble breathing while lying down? The weight could be an issue, then.

As anyone else has said - discuss with a *good* GP who actually gives a shit about the wellbeing of their patients.
Nothing like that. No pain or trouble breathing. I just can't fall asleep.
Post edited October 01, 2016 by JesperU
tinyE: Cancer is a great way to lose weight.

Just saying. :D
JesperU: Not cool man. My parents both passed away because of it.
I almost passed away from it. Get off my ass please. :D
JesperU: Not cool man. My parents both passed away because of it.
tinyE: I almost passed away from it. Get off my ass please. :D
But it's so soft!
tinyE: I almost passed away from it. Get off my ass please. :D
JesperU: But it's so soft!
No, even though I'm clean now, I'm still skinny as fuck. My ass is has no cushion at all. :P
tinyE: My ass is has no cushion at all. :P
Those poor donkeys! You should at least get them some straw or something to sleep on at night.

Oh wait - "my ass is no cuishion", not "my asses have no cuishions". Sorry, my mistake.
Post edited October 01, 2016 by Barefoot_Monkey
viperfdl: Diabetes also does the trick. But death is still the best diet...
Maighstir: It does? I'm in my thirties and have had diabetes for twenty-odd years, yet I weigh a lot more now than when my immune system started attacking my pancreas.
According to wikipedia it is.
tinyE: I almost passed away from it. Get off my ass please. :D
I was gonna slap you, then I remembered that you're a cancer survivor but now you're so smug about it that I wanna double slap you. *SLATAP*
F4LL0UT: I was gonna slap you, then I remembered that you're a cancer survivor but now you're so smug about it that I wanna double slap you. *SLATAP*
You know, tinyE has mentioned his experiences with cancer several times but I don't recall him ever being smug about it. Maybe it's possible to interpret something he wrote as such, but I feel that a good rule of thumb is that if your interpretation of what someone says seems completely unreasonable then it's worth considering that you may have misinterpreted it.
F4LL0UT: I was gonna slap you, then I remembered that you're a cancer survivor but now you're so smug about it that I wanna double slap you. *SLATAP*
Barefoot_Monkey: You know, tinyE has mentioned his experiences with cancer several times but I don't recall him ever being smug about it. Maybe it's possible to interpret something he wrote as such, but I feel that a good rule of thumb is that if your interpretation of what someone says seems completely unreasonable then it's worth considering that you may have misinterpreted it.
F4LL0UT is just messing with me. :P We have a long history of trying to out insult each other, and it's all it fun. :D

Now back on topic. Let's be blunt; is there anyone in here, if I were to try to walk around, I might get lost?
Post edited October 01, 2016 by tinyE