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I tend to sleep on my side in bed as sleeping flat on my back tends to make it harder to sleep and yes my back is messed up from past accidents too and not the weight and sleeping in a cool room helps me sleep longer as well.

Also some meds that people take on a daily basis will make them balloon up as well for those like me that have seen a lot of doctors and still do and need certain meds on a daily basis.

You probably tried sleeping on your side by now so my advice may not be helpful but I do understand what your going through.
Fairfox: Shirley.
You shouldn't call him that when he's serious.
I snore heavily and I have a serious back injury. Oh, and anytime I gain/lose weight, it's all in my gut. Right now, because of the back injury, I've got the bigger gut going.

Sleeping on my back is near impossible because of my pain & my snoring. Sleeping on my belly, I wake up with tremendous pain in my back. Sleeping on my side gives me tremendous pain in my hips (I'm a little bow-legged).

The solution for me? A side posture body pillow designed for pregnant women. It keeps my knees, hips, back, and neck all in alignment so I can sleep without waking up so much. I don't even use a regular head pillow anymore, because of the elongated C-shape of the body pillow. I've attached a pic that best resembles my body pillow and my sleeping position. This thing has done wonders for me since buying it just a few months ago.

(And no, I am not the smiling blonde chick in the pic....I'm a dude)
1.jpg (101 Kb)
Post edited October 01, 2016 by ChaunceyK
Cancer is a great way to lose weight.

Just saying. :D
low rated
JesperU: slept flat on his back like it was nothing.
I can't sleep on my back, it's extremely uncomfortable for some reason.

I think I must have been a slut in my previous life.

ChaunceyK: A side posture body pillow designed for pregnant women. It keeps my knees, hips, back, and neck all in alignment so I can sleep without waking up so much.
Did it help you with your pregnancy?
ChaunceyK: (And no, I am not the smiling blonde chick in the pic....I'm a dude)
Could be a wig.
tinyE: Cancer is a great way to lose weight.

Just saying. :D
So is anorexia, but I fail to see your point.
Post edited October 01, 2016 by zeogold
If not, you can always check this thread out -

Other than that, might want to consider seeing a chiropractor for a spinal alignment. Next best thing to sex!
tinyE: Cancer is a great way to lose weight.
Diabetes also does the trick. But death is still the best diet...
JesperU: I have a question. I weight in on about 70 kg and I'm quite short for my length due to birth defect in my spine.
So yeah, I'm overweight. Or rather obese.

Anyway, on to my question. I seem to have problems sleeping lying down. It appears that i can only sleep while sitting up, leaning against a wall. The problem with this is I get some serious pains in my neck, shoulders and upper back in the morning. Do this have something to do with my weight, that I can't sleep lying down?
70 KG isn't that big at all. You should probably see a doctor. Your sleep loss probably has other causes rather than your weight.
Post edited October 01, 2016 by Punkoinyc
tinyE: Cancer is a great way to lose weight.

Just saying. :D
Or FEAR of cancer but WITHOUT cancer! Just see ***Angelina Jolie***! She is now identical to a Lich, lately, nowadays!
Post edited October 01, 2016 by KiNgBrAdLeY7
Punkoinyc: 70 KG isn't that big at all.
He said he's really short, though. That can be fairly overweight if you're any shorter than 5'2".
KiNgBrAdLeY7: Or FEAR of cancer but WITHOUT cancer!
So I can lose weight by reading your posts?
Post edited October 01, 2016 by zeogold
tinyE: Cancer is a great way to lose weight.

Just saying. :D
Not cool man. My parents both passed away because of it.
If you can lie down fine without pain or anything but just can't sleep, you *may* have conditional insomnia or similar neurological issue.

Do you have trouble breathing while lying down? The weight could be an issue, then.

As anyone else has said - discuss with a *good* GP who actually gives a shit about the wellbeing of their patients.