Treverend: I posted in English so I don't mind if you reply in English. :) Maybe think about learning it someday, it's pretty easy and I heard studies have shown that once you learn it that it makes learning other European languages like Italian, Spanish and French much easier because it wires your brain to learn them quicker.
I did study French (though I've forgotten most of what I did learn, as I don't actually use it, and have little interest in using it) and a bit of Latin, and can often deduct the meaning of words from other Latin-based languages, and my own Swedish helps a bit with some Germanic-based ones.
You speak Esperanto, I assume, from your creating this thread? You wouldn't know of any musical groups writing their texts in Esperanto? While I am mostly interested in various forms of metal, I appreciate other genres as well as I try to expand my library to cover as many languages as I can.