well, positive point is: we get an official announcement warning this time
negative point is: we often never got such warnings in the past for previous removals AND informing customers/users on such things should be mandatory already
another problem, for me, is the whole store page suddenly dissapearing. would it be that hard to just keep the store page (which holds important info, such as reviews, but also minimum/recommended requirements, and devs/publishers information), but just remove or disable the "buy"/add to cart button ? i mean, is it really that hard ?
also, i dont know about other games but i do recommand those ones:
Fract OSC (have it on another DRM free store already)
Recetteear (in fact there a new game currently in the making by some other people that borrows many things to it, but i forgot the name, it had moon in the title, though)
Dyad (it's not REZ, but still has some REZ vibe enough to be enjoyable)
Miasmata is a rather interesting one too