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The DRM-Free Revolution Continues with Big Pre-Orders and Launch Day Releases!

Good news! is going to bring you more fantastic launch day releases, preorders, and other exciting new content from some of our favorite developers. We've lined up 3 big titles that we will be bringing to in the next couple of months for sale or preorder that we think will be hits with all of our gamers; and we have more equally exciting games coming up soon.

If you've been a member of the site for a long time, you may recall that when we launched sales of The Witcher 2 on, we had to add in regional pricing. The game cost different amounts in in the US, the UK, the European Union, and Australia. We're doing something like that once again in order to bring you new titles from fantastic bigger studios. Since we don't accept currencies other than USD on right now, we'll be charging the equivalent of the local price in USD for these titles. We wish that we could offer these games at flat prices everywhere in the world, but the decision on pricing is always in our partners' hands, and regional pricing is becoming the standard around the globe. We're doing this because we believe that there's no better way to accomplish our overall goals for DRM-Free gaming and We need more games, devs, and publishers on board to make DRM-Free gaming something that's standard for all of the gaming world!

That brings with it more good news, though! As mentioned, we have three games we're launching soon with regional pricing--two RPGs and a strategy game--and while we can't tell you what they are yet because breaking an NDA has more severe penalties than just getting a noogie, we're confident that you'll be as excited about these games as we are. For a limited time, we will be offering anyone who pre-orders or buys one of them a free game from a selection as a gift from, just like we did for The Witcher 2.

If you have any questions, hit us up in the comments below and we'll be happy to answer (to the best of our ability).

EDIT: Since we've answered a lot of the common questions already here (and lest you think that we've ignored you), it may be handy for you to check out the forum thread about this and search for staff answers by clicking this link here. (hat tip to user Eli who reminded us that the feature even exists. :)
cyboff: But Larian, inXile and Triumph along with those others kickstarter projects with regional pricing on Steam could triggered this situation. Maybe GOG knew about some big publisher is willing to release games DRM-free but with regional pricing long before all started, but as GOG didn't want to break flat pricing policy, those AAA titles had no chance before...
HypersomniacLive: Not sure I follow your point in relation to my post. Could you please try again explaining it to me?
I just thought you think it must be a big publisher who enforced regional pricing on GOG... and I don't think so...
Big publisher in my opinion is just by-product of whole bad situation which I described here:
But it is all speculations....
I will be very glad if GOG clarify whole situation, not hiding it behind sneaky PR "AAA titles with NDA are coming" news...
silentbob1138: I was hoping one of the Steam users here could answer. :)
Sorry, not one of them. I'm just using the link RS1978 provided ( which I found via a quick "compare steam prices" search when the announcement was made.
cyboff: I just thought you think it must be a big publisher who enforced regional pricing on GOG... and I don't think so...
Big publisher in my opinion is just by-product of whole bad situation which I described here:
But it is all speculations....
I will be very glad if GOG clarify whole situation, not hiding it behind sneaky PR "AAA titles with NDA are coming" news...
No, I only said that the first game that's going to be signed before GDC has to be one from a big publisher if GOG is confident enough that they can use it as a negotiating ace with other big publishers. And yes, it's speculation on my part - or is it slippery slope fallacy? :-P
Post edited February 24, 2014 by HypersomniacLive
silentbob1138: I was hoping one of the Steam users here could answer. :)
HypersomniacLive: Sorry, not one of them. I'm just using the link RS1978 provided ( which I found via a quick "compare steam prices" search when the announcement was made.
As a Steam user I have to do the same if I want to know the prices of other countries since Steam itself shows me only the official German ones and there's no option to comapre in the store. (Shamed be he who thinks evil of it. ;-) )
Post edited February 24, 2014 by RS1978
silentbob1138: I was hoping one of the Steam users here could answer. :)
RS1978: Here you can compare the regional price differences on Steam:
Thanks, that's a useful site, but my question was about how Steam prices are determined. Is every price there determined by the publisher or is $24,99=€22,99 a standard price set by Steam and publishers can opt for higher prices.
JohnnyDollar: Ok, AOW III is out then I guess.

You've got PC gamers salivating over Dark Souls 2. That would be a BIG SURPRISE. Might even stand a chance of the original coming here too if the 2nd one does. The 1st one still uses GFWL. I don't think they've removed it yet. Not that I'm saying that that's a hinderance from coming here. I don't want to say no way with DS II, but if they pull that off I will be shocked.;)

GOG may be reaching into their pockets some to try and make it successful with the regional pricing requirement. I can see them doing that. That would make some folks that are upset in this thread do a 180.
Remember, we're talking about a surprise. Assuming I/we take GOG on their word, anything less than the caliber of Dark Souls II has a chance of massive disappointment. Besides, Dark Souls II will be published by Namco-Bandai, the same guys who published The Witcher 2 and will publish The Witcher 3.

My reaction if some European made games are restricted regionally
Niggles: Just about now GOG staffers should be into reading this massive long thread .......
You think they wouldn't read it through weekend and if they wanted, they could already responded? It little looks like they dont care that much
Yay for regional pricing as an Aussie on Steam (NB I buy from the US store / Amazon / elsewhere to get around these prices - but this is what some games (Activision / SEGA / Namco Bandai / 2K and pretty much everyone else) cost on the Australian Steam store) (be sure to choose 2 currencies to compare with - US is a good one to start with since we get charged in USD on the AU store)
Silverhawk170485: I see it coming. Every GOG user in future will be from India paying with rupees ... by using VPN. xD
Actually, as gifting is supposed to remain as it is, this will lead to unofficial GOG game trade sites to appear. GOG users will be doing cross-region gifting to get the fair price, and in the end, neither GOG or publishers will make any more money.

Of course, given that GOG is now giving in to publisher pressure, this would lead to gift codes being canceled and massive gifting accounts being suspended.

IOW: user tracking and DRM.

Otherwise the whole region pricing will be pointless, as no one will pay more if there's a chance to pay less to get the very same game from the very same store.

Or they could just disable gifting altogether, but that would really ruin a lot of community based activities.
Silverhawk170485: I see it coming. Every GOG user in future will be from India paying with rupees ... by using VPN. xD
PixelBoy: Actually, as gifting is supposed to remain as it is, this will lead to unofficial GOG game trade sites to appear. GOG users will be doing cross-region gifting to get the fair price, and in the end, neither GOG or publishers will make any more money.

Of course, given that GOG is now giving in to publisher pressure, this would lead to gift codes being canceled and massive gifting accounts being suspended.

IOW: user tracking and DRM.

Otherwise the whole region pricing will be pointless, as no one will pay more if there's a chance to pay less to get the very same game from the very same store.

Or they could just disable gifting altogether, but that would really ruin a lot of community based activities.
I could see how it could be abused - GOG could just suspend accounts which have 'heavy' activity (outside reasonable limits)
RS1978: Here you can compare the regional price differences on Steam:
silentbob1138: Thanks, that's a useful site, but my question was about how Steam prices are determined. Is every price there determined by the publisher or is $24,99=€22,99 a standard price set by Steam and publishers can opt for higher prices.
Its ALWAYS determined by the publisher (and devs for that matter). The have access to all the tools and have the ability to enable/disable region locking and also to vary the prices..Its always been the case as far as i understand (my account is several years old ....unfortunately)
Niggles: Just about now GOG staffers should be into reading this massive long thread .......
N3xtGeN: You think they wouldn't read it through weekend and if they wanted, they could already responded? It little looks like they dont care that much
Bulk of them probably went home friday and thought "The news is not going to go across very well to the customers..." & probably dreading coming in today and reading the thread LOL
Post edited February 24, 2014 by Niggles
Silverhawk170485: I see it coming. Every GOG user in future will be from India paying with rupees ... by using VPN. xD
PixelBoy: Actually, as gifting is supposed to remain as it is, this will lead to unofficial GOG game trade sites to appear. GOG users will be doing cross-region gifting to get the fair price, and in the end, neither GOG or publishers will make any more money.

Of course, given that GOG is now giving in to publisher pressure, this would lead to gift codes being canceled and massive gifting accounts being suspended.

IOW: user tracking and DRM.

Otherwise the whole region pricing will be pointless, as no one will pay more if there's a chance to pay less to get the very same game from the very same store.

Or they could just disable gifting altogether, but that would really ruin a lot of community based activities.
This all is exactly what worries me the most. They can even be sued if they don't implement region locking and DRM in some form.

Maybe for a year or two the publishers are going to be OK with disabling inter-regional gifting. But sooner or later other large holes like VPN are going to come up, and then... "Good news, everyone!"
Fair prices world wide is what they call customer love philosophy...
I can put it pretty cruel here, GOG.

Do you not love us anymore? :(
GOG just added another Dangerous Dave game to the Dangerous Dave Pack, just like they did to Pinball Gold Pack. Bet you won't find any other vendors do the same. But no, GOG is evil. They just want our money.
high rated
Impaler26: It's sad to see regional pricing coming to GOG! :(

I hope the games from those "big publishers" are worth it (somewhat at least)...
TheEnigmaticT: Divinity: Original Sin is an example of the kind of game we're talking about; it's already launched on Steam for early access with regional pricing, and it wouldn't be very fair of Larian to give our EU and UK users a better value for the game if they buy it from later as opposed to Steam now.
Thanks T.

GOG just lost my business with this.

Total bullshit, GOG.

Frankly, my opinion of GOG has been getting worse lately as I've had the sneaky suspicion you're going the way of all digital distributors - ie: in it for the money and nothing else.

And any half-wit can see what will happen here, now that GOG has decided to offer 'regional pricing' for some games. They'll all be screaming for regional pricing for their games, which on most platforms means Americans pay less and everyone else pays more.

I stopped buying games on GamersGate when they decided most of their games would be Steam-only.

Looks like I'll have to find somewhere else to buy my games other than GOG now, as I won't continue to support a site that thinks going against one of the BIG reasons many of their customers buy here is okay, just so they can get 'three big games' on the site.

Bullshit. Complete and utter bullshit.
Post edited February 24, 2014 by Bloodygoodgames
wormholewizards: GOG just added another Dangerous Dave game to the Dangerous Dave Pack, just like they did to Pinball Gold Pack. Bet you won't find any other vendors do the same. But no, GOG is evil. They just want our money.
they're not evil, they're just falling in with a bad crowd "publishers" while trying to be the "Cool kids" & forgot that's what they were already.

it's like high Skool all over again
Post edited February 24, 2014 by Rusty_Gunn