Crosmando: What? You predicted that Lio was going to be the final villain? He had what, a 5 second appearance in the second episode. I thought it was amazing how the show subverted the cliche of the
main villain always being the
final villain. Does GOG forums have spoiler/hide tags btw?
Azrael360: He was obviously up to something. And it was not only 5 seconds. There were conversatios about him sometimes in the movies, and when it appeared on screen, he was always "kind of" stalking Shiki. It had to re-appear in some moment, before the end. And I wish there were some sort of spoiler tag here, but it seems there isn't... :(
Oh yeah, he said something to Shiki implicating he thought she was responsible for the murders. I think what I meant is, that tiny scene kinda got forgotten in the rest of the all the huge plot points in the rest of the episodes, so when he did pop up in the final episode it was surprising.
I'm still not exactly sure how I felt about the episode with that school with all the girls in nun-like uniforms, the tone was completely different than everything else in the series, good for a side-story I guess. Also in the novels that girl who commits suicide by burning herself to death was a prostitute and drug addict, but in the anime the prostitution part is cut out entirely, and the drug reference only gets one short mention. Which itself is weird considering
none of the mature content in the episode about Fujino is cut, apparently explicit rape is fine but references to drug addiction is taboo, lol japan.
I think "spoilers" only relate to things that haven't finished anyway. SO whatever.