Posted March 22, 2025
low effort.. no art here.. just regurgitated trash.
go look at 80's to 90's sci-fi, mecha, horror and cyberpunk and you can see there was love, attention to detail and 90% of the anime was anime story...
now 50% of it is filler
20% is story.
and 30% is fan service < also filler
it's like they forgot how to make piece of art... frame by frame attention to detail...
art that took time, money and work just to add detail and eye candy.
anime today feels like a distilled formula for money.. a formula that many are doing so were given few options for good shows.
go look at 80's to 90's sci-fi, mecha, horror and cyberpunk and you can see there was love, attention to detail and 90% of the anime was anime story...
now 50% of it is filler
20% is story.
and 30% is fan service < also filler
it's like they forgot how to make piece of art... frame by frame attention to detail...
art that took time, money and work just to add detail and eye candy.
anime today feels like a distilled formula for money.. a formula that many are doing so were given few options for good shows.