Crosmando: Oh yeah those games, they could of been huge successes if they released on DOS too.
amok: If you are looking for FPS games, then I would recommend
Genetic Species,
or [url=]Gloom Deluxe.
Alien Breed 3d is a fine game, but in my opinion, these 3 are the best FPS games (in that order) for the Amiga.
One of the main things I recall about Alien Breed 3D, was when one of the red dogs came running around the corner & the brother shit himself :D
AB3DII I liked too, only sort of recall it though.
I had Breathless & liked it, same for Gloom. Heard of Genetic Species, think played a demo, but not sure.
Either way, if that new Amiga(?)/Commodore phone runs these game, I may be tempted ;)
Ooh ooh, I also want Valhalla \o/