Posted August 18, 2016

Truckin' Along
Registered: Mar 2015
From United States

2023-08-14: Remember the Spaces!
Registered: Jul 2012
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Registered: Oct 2008
From United States
Posted August 19, 2016

This is huge. It's a tremendous issue, messing with the fundamentals of the US economy. But network engineering is boring and full of acronyms, so most people aren't paying attention.

In some ways it could be a good thing, but as things stand good ideas are corrupted by corporations to the worst possible outcome.
If the internet were divided into a restricted, NK-like internet and a separate "free" internet, all those people stuck on the restricted side would likely end up falling behind like NK. Even on the "free" side, things would be impacted, as they would lose access to any new ideas that manage to make their way on to the restricted side. That doesn't even begin to address how it might affect the global internet economy. It might not a world-ending catastrophe, but it certainly would not be a good thing for anyone.

Believe it or not, the repurposing of an oil rig and placing it in international waters as the "internet headquarters" was once proposed, but placing it someplace that is basically lawless is almost worse than someplace with restrictive laws.
Post edited August 19, 2016 by cogadh

Registered: Jun 2014
From Germany
Posted August 19, 2016
I think that Dotcom guy wanted to make a new Internet but I don't know if he is even in a position to do that anymore/ still.
I think that Dotcom guy wanted to make a new Internet but I don't know if he is even in a position to do that anymore/ still.

Registered: Jun 2011
From South Africa
Posted August 19, 2016

My view is that the internet benefits the world and no country should have the right to interfere with a free and open internet. If ICANN thinks a free and open internet is bad, then they're not the people best suited to looking after it.
Although a ship or an oil rig would probably be very difficult to secure. Some mad dictator might just send a nuke in their direction. I guess they're going to have to buy a sub instead.

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Registered: Oct 2008
From United States
Posted August 19, 2016

My view is that the internet benefits the world and no country should have the right to interfere with a free and open internet. If ICANN thinks a free and open internet is bad, then they're not the people best suited to looking after it.
Although a ship or an oil rig would probably be very difficult to secure. Some mad dictator might just send a nuke in their direction. I guess they're going to have to buy a sub instead.
I said almost because in a basically lawless area, there is nothing to stop the less than ethical from doing whatever they want, including being even more restrictive than any existing country might be. The internet should be free and open from any country's interference, but that is not going to happen without treaties and laws to enforce that freedom and lack of interference. I might be a bit of cynic, but you can't count on humans acting in the best interests of the world as a whole. We simply aren't that good natured on the scale of international politics.

Bad Hair Day
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Registered: Dec 2012
From Other
Posted August 19, 2016
low rated

Registered: Jun 2011
From South Africa
Posted August 19, 2016

I do understand though. I certainly wouldn't be a good candidate for managing a free and open internet. I'd ban child pornography.

Newt abUser
Registered: Sep 2014
From Sweden
Posted August 19, 2016

to this guy.

New User
Registered: Nov 2008
From Other
Posted August 19, 2016

to this guy.

Land Shark
Registered: May 2014
From United States

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Registered: Oct 2008
From United States
Posted August 19, 2016

it's staying in LA and not going to the UN, so we will be fine. no looting or pillaging yet. ...yet.

Registered: Dec 2013
From Spain
Posted August 19, 2016

Land Shark
Registered: May 2014
From United States
Posted August 19, 2016
great episode :)

Registered: Dec 2013
From Spain
Posted August 19, 2016
Yup, so funny :D