moobot83: its gonna be years before games take advantage of these new cpu's atm your just wasting your money if u just game, 8 cores is enough for gaming atm anymore is just overkill, my cpu is a ryze n5 1600 and it does what is needed for me
Yes, because people solely use their computer for gaming and absolutely nothing else, the operating system and drivers never needs any resources and of course no-one ever has multiple programs open at the same time. Not to mention recording, which again, no-one does, especially not people who plays games. And it is impossible for someone to later want to use a gaming computer for non-gaming purposes.
And of course we all know that every single game in existence has cannot use any more than 8 cores, otherwise it explodes. Oh right, Terraria is a game which can take advantage of any number of cores (for computing lighting). Oh, and implementations of various graphics APIs may use several threads to compile shaders etc. Also, emulators for consoles requires quite a few cores.
I agree that if you focus primarily on semi-modern games natively compatible with your OS and processor architecture, then >8 cores might not be worth the premium, but your blanket statement above is false.