Themken: Chip too new for Windows 7 to have any drivers for it. Specifications for a workhorse that is also capable of playing games :-)
Phc7006: What was suprising was that Windows 7 had no problem whatsoever with the B350 chipset, but with the older Asmedia AHCI controller. In fact, it seemed to be an incompatibility between the Asmedia driver and some UEFI settings.
I had bought the MB flashed , but Asrock released 2 days ago a new rom version, and I started the day flashing the UEFI , which solved the issue. Boot time now under 10 seconds, all drives recognized.
So whereas I had intended to have Linux on the 250GB M2 SSD and Windows on the 500GB sata SSD, I now have exactly the reverse. But aside from that I have what I wanted - building a windows 7 system as modern as possible before the next hardware gereration is entirely incompatible with it.
Phc7006: Until this prompts a MS reaction. Remember how later updates killed XP ?
I would recommend to nstallfrom an unattended version , in which a selection of updates - avoiding telemetry and the like - had been embedded, as well as the necessary drivers. That way, the system is reasoanbly up to date to start with.
Yep, I'd be surprised if micro$oft didn't "accidentally" find a way to block this ability.
As for xp, that's sort of before my time. I was strictly Amiga user only back then, except for the occasional "fix my pc please!?" from others :D