Stevedog13: I havn't watched the show but as far as I know (based on what I saw of The Walking Dead show vs comic) that AMC can get away with just about any cursing short of the F-bomb. If there is no cursing stronger than an occasional "hell, damn, fart" in Preacher then I'd be pretty surprised. Also, I find the need to introduce the character properly excuse to be a bit thin. I don't recall a lot of comic fans complaining about not knowing who these characters were when reading the books. Either Garth Ennis thinks that TV viewers naturally lack basic comprehension skills or he is getting a fat enough paycheck that he doesn't care what AMC does as long as it gets ratings.
There's not even introducing the characters properly, as per the excuse. The characters in the TV series are COMPLETELY CHANGED right down to their core and drives. Tulip is not the comic book Tulip AT ALL. Even the Preacher ain't the Preacher.
I'll go with the Garth Ennis is a sell-out theory. If he supports this, and is trying to "rationalize" his comic books RAPE, he's just being paid off to do it.
Breja: That makes zero sense. Why would you need all that in a TV show to know what's going on, if it wasn't necessary in the comics? Preacher wasn't build on some pre-existing continuity, being "casual" doesn't enter into it.
NuffCatnip: Have only read Crossed by Garth Ennis so far which is a bit extreme (it's almost too extreme), is Preacher any good?
What's the story about f.e.?
Preacher is extreme, yes. But it's also pretty good, story and character-wise. Not as good as The Boys, but still... very good.