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Maighstir: They obviously designed the Mars base with the intention to build a video game around it, depicting the base as close as possible to reality, and you can't have a crisis if everything is fine and dandy, can you?
tinyE: That's why we have you here Maighstir, to point these things out. :D
I know, though it does sometimes get annoying having to point out the blatantly obvious to you lot.
apehater: source

"Onstage at the Code Conference on Tuesday, the Amazon founder and CEO said that we have to start bringing parts of the industrial economy to space in order "to save Earth.""

thats one horrible nightmare for every worker! no protection rules, like minimum wage, against exploitation and a wet dream of every inhuman, greedy investor.
Given the distance, I wonder how much that would increase 1 or 2 day shipping? :)
This is about the time when the Taiidan arrive....

...that´s it I´m taking my cats to Andromeda.
apehater: source

"Onstage at the Code Conference on Tuesday, the Amazon founder and CEO said that we have to start bringing parts of the industrial economy to space in order "to save Earth.""

thats one horrible nightmare for every worker! no protection rules, like minimum wage, against exploitation and a wet dream of every inhuman, greedy investor.
Jeff Bezos also wanted to have drones deliver packages to people, so clearly, not all of his ideas are good ones, or even practical.
Reminds me of a catpower thread where he linked to an article that suggested that robots could be replacing human workers in the future. Maybe we'd have manufacturing plants which are fully automated (with maybe some need for regular maintenance team to check things out) in the space.
Emob78: There's gotta be at least a few other superior alien civilizations that are keeping an eye (or monitoring spy orb) on us. Billboards and factories in space surely have to rank high on their 'stop the humans at any cost' meter.
Maybe we're the superiorest of them all.
Post edited June 04, 2016 by Hunter65536
Hunter65536: Reminds me of a catpower thread where he linked to an article that suggested that robots could be replacing human workers in the future. Maybe we'd have manufacturing plants which are fully automated (with maybe some need for regular maintenance team to check things out) in the space.
Emob78: There's gotta be at least a few other superior alien civilizations that are keeping an eye (or monitoring spy orb) on us. Billboards and factories in space surely have to rank high on their 'stop the humans at any cost' meter.
Hunter65536: Maybe we're the superiorest of them all.
Or maybe we ARE aliens. Maybe a million years ago some aliens came down to Earth, jerked off and rubbed alien space jizz all over a small dinosaur fish thing.

Mr Garrison can explain it better than I can. Just add aliens somewhere between fish frog and retard fish monkey.
Emob78: Or maybe we ARE aliens. Maybe a million years ago some aliens came down to Earth, jerked off and rubbed alien space jizz all over a small dinosaur fish thing.
That's reasonably close to what the Ancient Alien Theorists believe, actually...
Emob78: Or maybe we ARE aliens. Maybe a million years ago some aliens came down to Earth, jerked off and rubbed alien space jizz all over a small dinosaur fish thing.
GR00T: That's reasonably close to what the Ancient Alien Theorists believe, actually...
I know, but it's more fun to porn-o-grify things. Why say ancient alien theory when you can say alien jerkoff cumshot scene?
There is an alien in HuniePop you can have sex with. Great body, but she's blue.
"Onstage at the Code Conference on Tuesday, the Amazon founder and CEO said that we have to start bringing parts of the industrial economy to space in order "to save Earth."

Good idea. Amazon can now use the money they save with not paying taxes for a good cause.
apehater: thats one horrible nightmare for every worker! no protection rules, like minimum wage, against exploitation and a wet dream of every inhuman, greedy investor.
OneFiercePuppy: /sigh Why in the nine hells would you think that a) laws wouldn't get put in place before such an industry took off, b) anyone would want to send people into orbit to do work (we're crazy inefficient, needing things like air and food and water and personal space and clothings and hygeine) instead of mostly robots or c) anyone important enough to get SENT INTO GODDAMN SPACE would be making minimum wage in the first place?

a very optimistic approach to a horrifying idea
apehater: source

"Onstage at the Code Conference on Tuesday, the Amazon founder and CEO said that we have to start bringing parts of the industrial economy to space in order "to save Earth.""

thats one horrible nightmare for every worker! no protection rules, like minimum wage, against exploitation and a wet dream of every inhuman, greedy investor.
aJillSandwich: Jeff Bezos also wanted to have drones deliver packages to people, so clearly, not all of his ideas are good ones, or even practical.
idea? i thought that drones are already delivering in usa
GR00T: ...
That's reasonably close to what the Ancient Alien Theorists believe, actually...
screw them! they're just an insult to our god the flying spagetti monster!
Schnuff: "Onstage at the Code Conference on Tuesday, the Amazon founder and CEO said that we have to start bringing parts of the industrial economy to space in order "to save Earth."

Good idea. Amazon can now use the money they save with not paying taxes for a good cause.
yeah ... i bet that such a greedy asshat company will use heavy gov funds to get their fabrics to space just to avoid any taxing and dictate their working conditions. great deal or? governments use their tax money to help such companies to avoid being taxed by them.
Post edited June 04, 2016 by apehater
apehater: screw them! they're just an insult to our god the flying spagetti monster!
Oooh, so you've been touched by His noodly appendage?
apehater: screw them! they're just an insult to our god the flying spagetti monster!
GR00T: Oooh, so you've been touched by His noodly appendage?
hell yeah! and i needed a smoke afterwards :)
One has to really ask why someone would do this. It's easier to build on already established ground then a giant manufacturing plant out in space. If your going to go that route why not just colonize planets for the purpose? Building the death star/cybertron ain't exactly easy or cheap.
Trajhenkhetlive: Building the death star/cybertron ain't exactly easy or cheap.
Since when has that ever stopped the military? :P