apehater: thats one horrible nightmare for every worker! no protection rules, like minimum wage, against exploitation and a wet dream of every inhuman, greedy investor.
/sigh Why in the nine hells would you think that a) laws wouldn't get put in place before such an industry took off, b) anyone would want to send people into orbit to do work (we're crazy inefficient, needing things like air and food and water and personal space and clothings and hygeine) instead of mostly robots or c) anyone important enough to get SENT INTO GODDAMN SPACE would be making minimum wage in the first place?
Emob78: If aliens existed, don't you think this is the part where they show up and nip this shit in the bud? There's gotta be at least a few other superior alien civilizations that are keeping an eye (or monitoring spy orb) on us. Billboards and factories in space surely have to rank high on their 'stop the humans at any cost' meter.
Not sure if serious, but...are you clear on how big space is? Really? If our guesses as to size are right, then if there were a million spacefaring species spread across the five billion years or so that the universe has been old enough to really, really support advanced life (because we needed all those first-generation stars to fuse heavy elements for us, and then die, so that we could have planets to put living things on), we'd probably be contemporanous with at most a double handful, and they'd statistically be so far away that we'd never know the other existed.
[url= <sigh> I suspect I'm going to regret entering this thread][/url]