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Hi, Alma.

I would like to be in, please, for D: The Game

Thank you.
voted, they need AoE II on gog omg (werei can i find AoE I thooo?!)

would liek if i win
Arcanum: of steamworks and magick obscura
thanks <3
Post edited August 30, 2016 by ladytorrens
low rated
Not in but +1.

Missed you, Pimp Kitty, missed you so much.
Falci: With Brazilian prices it's a little harder for me to see how much is what, but I'd love REQUIEM: AVENGING ANGEL.
bler144: Current sale price is $4.99 US but regular price is 2x that. Just FWIW.
Oh, thanks. Changing prices from BRL to USD was just giving me dolar versions of the local price, not the original USD prices.

If Requiem doesn't work out, I'd gladly accept either Terra Nova or Grim Dawn's Crucible DLC.
Voted! And thanks for the give away.

I wish for a cheeseburger! If I can't have that I'll just give you a +1!
Hi. Thanks for a cool givaway. I would like Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri Planetary Pack.

P.S. Voted.
Post edited August 30, 2016 by LootHunter
neurasthenya: Voted! +1
mofofromjkt: i voted for this.
Thanks for voting, but I'm confused.

Are you two participating in the giveaway, or not? If so, please tell me the name of the games.

"Think twice before you speak, because your words and influence will plant the seed of either success or failure in the mind of another."
Post edited September 25, 2016 by almabrds

I though I was having a stroke when I was reading that in my head XD

PS Not in but good luck to everyone who is! :)
Post edited August 30, 2016 by UnrealQuakie
Thanks alma for your generousity!
I'm in with Arx Fatalis
Good luck to everyone!
If it's allowed, I'm in for astroclay.
Not in, but thanks for still doing a giveaway in this poor forum.
Not in, but thanks for the giveaway. +1.
I voted for the game too.
Post edited August 30, 2016 by vanchann
low rated
I am in for Eador: Genesis, thank you. I am happy to add my vote to Age of Empires II.
I am not in alma, many thanks! Already voted for all AoE entries, it would be a blast, but I really doubt it since is a MS product...
Thank you for the GA!
I just dug out my old copy of Star Trek: Judgement Rites to show it to a friend ... and it doesn't work any more! *cry* So I'd like to enter for that, please.