A few questions for OP. I'd normally quote the relevant posts, but can't be bothered:
1. What's the purpose of this thread? To tell us you're quitting gaming? On a gaming forum? Ok, then...? Bye...?
2. If politics regarding games bother you, the solution isn't to quit video games, it's to quit getting involved with the politics around video games. Contrary to what the internet would have you believe, the MAJORITY of gamers actually just buy their games, play them, and get on with their lives, blissfully ignorant of whatever silly controversy is at the forefront.
3. If you have some passion that makes you happy, rad. Pursue it.
4. The key to multiplayer is to find a group that you can pal up with and play the games you want.
5. The whole purpose of video games isn't to dedicate your whole life to the things, the purpose is to play what you want when you want and have fun. It's not like it's some sort of drug habit you have to swear off or some idol unless you made it that in your life. Just enjoy yourself doing what you do.