Crosmando: Is there any indication when prices will recover, if ever? I was going to buy a 108o this year :(
Due to the memory shortage issues combined with miners gobling up inventory constantly, I'd say probably not. If chip makers can design a chip that is perfect for mining but not for gaming and seperate the market, and keep up with production demand on that chip so that miners don't just simply go back to buying all the gaming cards as soon as the mining cards run out, then maybe. Or, if all of the cryptocurrencies tank due to governements or something along those lines.
I'd love to see Nvidia and AMD release drivers that somehow completely destroy video cards mining potential. I couldn't care less about miners. I have no particular desire to see them fail I guess, but since they are interferring in my life financially (my ability to upgrade computers) without regard, then I won't show any regard for their situation, either. Chip makers and board manufacturers don't have any incentive to do that, though. At least, not financially. They are making money.
The only hypothetical reason that they perhaps should care, is that if this trend continues long enough, a sizable chunk of PC gamers - particularly those with smaller budgets - may jump ship in favor of a much more affordable outlet for gaming (consoles). Should mining dry up one day, then Nvidia, AMD and board manufacturers may find themselves unprepared for a much weaker market. Nvidia and AMD could survive on a smaller scale by putting their technology in other devices, but some manufacturers would be out of business in this hypothetical situation, since they rely solely on the sale of PC compenents.