misteryo: I am currently loving my AMD Radeon HD 7950 3GB. It can't do PhysX, and it had some trouble with Lara Croft's super something or other hair in the last game. And I haven't tried to run TW3 on it lately...
But, it plays XCOM and Civ VI and PIllars of Eternity and stuff like that re-e-e-e-e-e-eal good.
And some day the miners will crash and sell their cards cheap, and I'll get build a new PC based around Ryzen tech and the new shiny R690 12GB or something.
For now I'm running a 6 year old rig and loving it.
There's that... I'm currently using a GTX 960 4G, which I wanted to replace with a GTX 1060, but I guess it's really more of a need for some shiny new toy, rather than a real necessity. I don't play recent AAA games often, so my current GPU still runs most of the games I'd like to play. Currently playing the PC version of Dark Souls 2, which runs smoothly at maxed settings in ( downscaled ) 4K.
And buying a GPU second-hand seems risky these days. There's the chance someone used it in a 24/7 mining set-up, so who knows how much longer it might last.
vsr: These are not people. Most likely banksters are doing this.
On one of the Russian discussion website i've read about a guy, who posted fake sale offer for a batch of videocards. And he instantly got an offer from a guy, who was ready to shell out more than 50 000 USD for those.
No doubt there are larger, professional groups involved, but there are also plenty of private/"amateur" miners. Anything from individuals with a single mining PC, to large professional hardware farms.