Posted August 17, 2021
low rated
Magnitus: I think it would be an interesting analysis to compare all the user devices (smart phones, consoles, pcsm various smart devices) vs the corporate devices (aws, azure, google, etc). I'm not sure who would win.
My guess is, probably the consumer devices (there are a lot of computers in the data centers, but there is at least half a billion people in North America alone and all of them have at least a smart phone).
Sorry for not being clearer earlier...I meant all electricity usage by companies/businesses vs all electricity used by individual consumers in their "residential lives"(so more than just computers and handheld devices). My guess is, probably the consumer devices (there are a lot of computers in the data centers, but there is at least half a billion people in North America alone and all of them have at least a smart phone).
Magnitus: Furthermore, ocean life is gradually getting converted to a giant pool of jelly fishes (this is coming from marine experts) and the Amazon forest is essentially getting cut down for beef (also coming from experts).
Overall, expert opinions are in terms of end-game environmental effects are ranging anywhere from "humans will become extinct" to "we're in for a rough ride and hundreds of millions of people will have to migrate" (ie, war). Even if we go with the most optimistic of those opinions, it is not a pretty picture.
Yeah, we might be in for a rough ride.....but if we must do anything about such things, I feel it should be methods other than bans/restrictions tried first, and more focus should be put on "offenders" in the business/corporate sphere.Overall, expert opinions are in terms of end-game environmental effects are ranging anywhere from "humans will become extinct" to "we're in for a rough ride and hundreds of millions of people will have to migrate" (ie, war). Even if we go with the most optimistic of those opinions, it is not a pretty picture.
Post edited August 17, 2021 by GamezRanker