drealmer7: I've never used such a thing for cleaning my computer (self built) - have had PCs for 30+ years
I've never had any issues, current configuration has been running steady for about 10 years, once in a great while I'll open up the tower and blow out some dust with my lung power and use some q-tips to get dust from around the fans
While lung power can be used... you quickly feel like you're hyperventilating... :P
But it's incredibly hard to get to the nooks and crannies, cleaning your power supply out, etc. Using compressed air is far easier and reliable.
Although it does depend on your computer. A computer that doesn't generate any real heat (
the 8bit 6502 systems) dust is a non-issue. Otherwise in more modern systems dust traps heat.
I only have an issue with paying $5 for a can of air, while $30 will give you a halfway decent compressor that you can reuse multiple times.
Although if you want REAL clean parts. CRC's delicate parts cleaner is AWESOME.