Bass47: How nice that they are working on making expansions for this great game. I have a question: Is it worth to buy the AoE II HD edition? because I allready have the old versions and I taught to buy it from this winter sale and I'm not sure what to do.
Depends on what you want it for. If its for online MP then stay with the original version and play on Voobly. If you want the new civs and new campaigns, get the Microsoft strategy bundle or Age of Empires bundle on sale. I repeat, DON'T get just Age2HD alone. Get it with other AOE games or other RTS in bundles. The HD patching process is very hap hazardous and most new patches break something in a big way while fixing the previous bugs. I tried the new patch 4.8 and it introduced some new ones. Also, check out this video : 3rd expansion made after a modding team released the Forgotten Empires Expansion and MS hired them to work on the game. This comes after the Forgotten Expansion and the African Kingdoms Expansion and takes up the total civilization count to 31. Also, patch 4.8 for the HD edition just went live. Good time to get back in. Thoughts?
EDIT: links :
steam store page
Most of the announcements are on the steam page itself, but here's the only other thing they said about it : rampancy: That's kinda neat, but some questions come to mind:
a) Is the Forgotten Empires expansion still going to be available for download for free? (I'm assuming that it was a free mod to begin with.)
b) Is this new expansion only for the HD edition, or is it compatible with the original CD release? (Well, on second thought, I suppose owners of the original release could just download the original version of the mod, if it's still available for download.)
Ninjaed, but
1.Yes. Its up on Voobly as well as here : The Voobly version was updated by someone else after the FE team moved over to work for MS.
2. Only for the HD edition sadly.
liquidsnakehpks: i Still havent managed to finish the first two expansion , sad to say this but the aoe 2 hd has a lot of issues....going by the forum posts it seems the latest patch reset campaign progress for a ton of players... Its going to be a while before we get a stable version of the game.
Yes, all we can do is always be hopeful for the next patch.