cemacar: Is multiplayer in AoE1 working fine?(lan)
I tried multiplayer over lan with my friends 3-4 years ago but connection was always dropped after few hours and I'm sure our connection didn't had any problems because other games was fine.
By the way I don't remember they were drm-free, my version of "aoe 1" have cd key. This ones don't have cd keys?
OldFatGuy: No keys, No cd check. I installed it on my computer, took the disc out, and have been playing it ever since.
Oh, and to the poster above, yeah, I have the HD patch too. It is great.
Now the original boxed version of the game I purchased in the 1990's had a CD key you had to enter after you installed it. But that one I could never get to install on the newer OS's. This one that I purchased in 2012 has no DRM and it has installed and played fine on Win XP, Win Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 10. (I've never used Windows 8, but I guess given the above it would work on that too but can't verify it for sure.)
Just a quick question, I was wondering about purchasing age of empires package, as I only own AoE1. Could you advise if the DRM free edition you have, is the Ubisoft Exclusive one?