retro60s: Hi All, I'm thinking of just upgrading my graphics card to give my computer a bit more power in that department. I'm just after recommendations really. The base computer is an intel i5 with 8Gb of RAM, The current graphics card is an Nvidia GeForce GTX550Ti. So I just want to know, would the base computer handle a better graphics card and any recommendations. I am very much a novice in this department so any help is greatly appreciated.
Thanks very much!
Hi Retro60s
It is an interesting question you pose and one I have thought about my self.
The first thing you want to think about is why do you want to upgrade. I will not put words into your mouth here: you need to say what games you are playing and what kind of improvement you are looking for.
The actual truth here is that hardware is far in advance of most games that are produced today and if you are on a budget, unless you are getting serious performance issues and I would doubt it, I simply would not bother investing in the latest and greatest unless you want to pay a premium for bells and whistles. Wait for the time you need a system overhaul.
I don't wont to confuse you too much but I have an older generation cpu with an older generation GPU and much to my amazement, I was able to run witcher 3 on medium.
Seriously, think twice about keeping your hardware "up there", there is very little out there that will push it.
For example, look at the power users even on these forums suggesting and even purchasing over 8 GB ram. There are next to no games that will ever utilise that, ever. Hardware has been ahead of the software curve for what 10, 15 years now?
Of course, I hold back now as I play older games, but the witcher 3 was a real eye opener for me.