Clownski_: Hey folks, a few words of context from our side:
We are currently testing a new feature on our redeem page with the aim of enhancing your shopping experience and providing added value in quality free offers and trials to users. This feature is visible only to those of our users that gave us their marketing consent, which you can opt out at any time by accessing the Cookie Declaration page in the footer of GOG.COM.
We apologize for any inconvenience or confusion these tests may have caused and want to thank you for your continued trust in GOG.
The "currently testing" sentence and the very last sentence just reads like boilerplate marketing-speak to me. That said...
If GOG makes a bit of extra money from these ads, that's nice.
However, using ads on this site does seem, to me, somewhat "trashy" and fairly desperate.
At the very least, below the ads there should be text/explanation for how to opt out of seeing them.
Maybe if the deals were actually related to games, gaming accessories, and computer hardware, they'd at least make sense.