Posted December 29, 2015
high rated

Missing covers:
Dark Sun (x2)
Ravenloft (x2)
King Arthur Collection (x2)
Identical covers (not including those that have the same graphic, but different overlay text, of which there are quite a few):
Forgotten Realms Archives Collection 1 (x3)
Forgotten Realms Archives Collection 2 (x8)
Forgotten Realms Archives Collection 3 (x2)
Prehistorik 1+2 (x2) [thanks, HSL]
Shadow Warrior (2013) (x2)
Star Wars Jedi Knight Dark Forces II (x2)
Vanishing of Ethan Carter (x2)
Wasteland 2 (x2)
I don't think there should be anything actually missing.. though that being said I've still got some showing as missing even after running the update again:
{"1444731636":"Missing","1432906190":"Missing","1441039631":"Missing","1441039809":"Missing","1443160586":"Mis sing","1443160514":"Missing","1432723859":"Missing"}
I'll check them again against your list when I get a second.
As for the duplicates they are ones that will need covers made (as will the others missing covers I suppose), though assuming the Wasteland 2 versions are the old and the directors cut I can do that one as they do have different covers already.