Posted December 26, 2015
high rated

I also had none of the problems Moon mentions when I briefly toyed in Firefox last night, but I use the "All" setting.
I'm re-arranging my Library using SWare Iron though, as drag & scroll works there so things get done faster, and then import the new order into Firefox.
I'm still missing box covers for:
- Pathologic Classic HD
- Wasteland 2 Director's Cut
And I have a couple of questions:
(I) I'm currently using manual order. What happens if I switch to a different, GOG native order from the drop down "Sort By" menu? Do these still display correctly? And how do I go back to my manual order afterwards?
(II) Do I understand it correctly that any newly added games are added at the end, without messing with anything else in the Library?

I've got an idea, but have to think about it and check a couple of things first, then talk it over with you.
They should come through in the next update run (with any luck)
Just untick the box to revert to normal GoG sorting, which is unaffected. When you tick the box again you get your manual sort back, unaffected.
Currently they're added at the start.. I thought it was better that people could see new games right away, just in case they thought they weren't showing up or something... but I can put them to the end if that's peoples' preferred behaviour.
Lol, thought you might say that XD
Let me know what you come up with, I can give you the code for what I've got if you want to restyle it or you can come up with something from scratch if you prefer.

- Pathologic Classic HD
- Wasteland 2 Director's Cut

"library id" => [catalogue id, "name"]
"1444818876" => [1445852217, "pathologic classic hd"]
Wasteland 2 is unbundled.
Post edited December 26, 2015 by adaliabooks