adaliabooks: Hmmm.. I can try, but it might be a little difficult as I don't own the game...
What does the link come up as? (if you hover over it in Chrome it comes up in the corner of the window, I assume Firefox does something similar)
And can you give me a screenshot of the Downloader links page (Gogs one).
I take the download all link from there (I think... it's been a while since I did that one) so it could be there link is broken or not there...
Let me check.
EDIT: False alarm, and bad news for us; should have checked thoroughly before posting.
There are no links on the GOG Downloader page for the content of Knight's Pack (see attachment).
The link is gogdownloader://legends_of_eisenwald/62523, which is the exact same as the one for the bonuses included in LoE.
Will post in the "what did just update" and "what did just break" threads, and contact support.