adaliabooks: Thanks Hyper, I was digging around for something like that but all I could find where posts saying Greasemonkey worked fine (or posts that were two years old and therefore not very relevant).
I'll give those a try and see if one works :)
Not particularly skilled at digging around, eh? ;-P
Greasemonkey did work just fine until some previous version of PaleMoon (don't remember which one), but that was a good while ago, IIRC.
adaliabooks: Thanks for those Hyper, the middle one seemed to do the trick.
Scripts are working and the hacks for cloneInto and exportFunction seem alright, but I'm getting lots of errors and permissions issues for a variety of things so it will still probably take some work to make it right.
Depending on just how much, it might need to become a separate fork of the main script, but we'll see.
Glad to be of help, but it's only two alternatives, the last link is just the discussion about the 2nd fork.