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Sachys: jog on kid!
talk about what the OP asked and dont make highly uninformed statements about things you evidently do not understand.
If you're so concerned about the topic's integrity, why don't you direct your righteous indignation at the poster I was replying to? Failing that, actually address the points in question, otherwise you're just wasting everyone's time.
Post edited March 14, 2019 by pearnon
low rated
can gog close this shit
moobot83: can gog close this shit
What's changed? You were eager to discuss this two days ago.
low rated
this is a gaming forum not a politcal forum
moobot83: this is a gaming forum not a politcal forum
It was a gaming forum two days ago too, I was asking what changed. :P
moobot83: this is a gaming forum not a politcal forum
Politics is all about people deciding how other people should live their lives. By nature, everything is open for politics. There are politics in everything. #gamergate is just the most famous example.

*Modded, please refrain from encouraging the others to participate in political discussions on the forum.
Post edited March 15, 2019 by Ashleee
moobot83: this is a gaming forum not a politcal forum
kohlrak: Politics is all about people deciding how other people should live their lives. By nature, everything is open for politics. If this is a gaming forum, then it is a political forum, because there are politics in everything. #gamergate is just the most famous example.
Not a very good exemple. It was a political manipulation very artificially parasiting a question of journalism corruption. Going from "reviewers are bribed" to "feminism is ruining entertainment" to "Putin is god, build the wall, covfefe" is not some inevitable natural sequence. Or else, any council of journalism ethics and observatory of press freedom would be a pro-dictatorship homophobic and racist militant hub.

It's true that designating any matter as "political" or "apolitical" is easy (everything is linked to implicit collective norms and collective norms tend to be explicited in politics), and that designating something as "political" or "apolitical" is generally itself an arbitrary political choice, benefitting one agenda or the other (from "don't worry, we cut your salaries in half but it's not a political decision only an economical one, no ideology here i promise" to "hey, the slavers are depicted as baddie again, why do they always get political"). So there is always the choice of labelling an issue as "moral", "ideological", "political" or not. It's a focus on one implication, or, alternately, a denial. On a forum, it's a too reductive way to define unwanted polarizing discussions (just as "niche" is a poor way to describe an unwanted game). In both cases, it should be interpreted as meaning something else. Or else, taken too literally, it's open to absurdist litigious abuse ("hey look, politics here", "hey look, niche there").

So yes, everything is or isn't politics. It's up to gog, in the specific context of forum disputes, to narrow what they mean by "politics", to some untold blurry notion that would be efficient for their moderating purposes. And to apply their own ("niche"-like) definition of "politics" instead of our broad philosophical one.
moobot83: this is a gaming forum not a politcal forum
kohlrak: Politics is all about people deciding how other people should live their lives. By nature, everything is open for politics. If this is a gaming forum, then it is a political forum, because there are politics in everything. #gamergate is just the most famous example.
Re-word that, it's only for "left wing" politics. Anything else gets dumped on hard here.
Im not an EU citizen, so I dont really have a stake in it. Just watching whats happening there with the EU bill for internet regulation, the restrictions of speech (people being arrested and jailed for dissenting opinions), and the way the UK misrepresented the vote and is going directly against the vote for Brexit, it is frightening to see the direction its heading there.

Im not there and not a citizen, but half of my family is, so I still pay attention and just hope they can resolve these issues in a way that is the best for and the will of the people. I think the main problem people have with the EU is the same as my problem with the UN, but its much worse. You have an unelected organization that has no responsibility to your people making decisions for your nation and making laws that directly impact your life. Just like how the UN is trying to regulate immigration. The UN will do whats best for them and will increase their power despite what our people want and what is good for us. It is the exact opposite of freedom and accountability, and that should bother everyone
Post edited March 15, 2019 by Gylfe
Please note that pure political discussion is not allowed on the forum.

This thread will be locked.

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