joppo: If you wait until you're in your deathbed, chances are you're probably going to be so weak by then that a punch from you will amount to nothing more than a hard push. Besides, what are you gonna do about the friends that die before you?
You shouldn't wait that long. Go out and punch their throats today! Thank me later. GameRager: GameRager: (Start at 28 seconds for best bits)
Exactly like that! You really captured the idea.
Well, technically they also resorted to several other types of punches, kicks and assorted acts of violence. But it is the thought that counts.
And the important lesson here is, do not put off until tomorrow the punches you can distribute today.
Actually... very few people deserve
that sort of beating. Who is that, O.J. Simpson? Bobby Kotick? A lawyer? A telemarketer?