Sachys: Its already pretty reasonable in most of the world. The US is very backwards on it though (hence the Disney stuff).
Corporations around the world over would want to do the exact same thing: Own everything forever, and mooch off IP's til the end of time.
Though it seems a very double edged sword. Like Disney, EA, Activision, Blizzard, Marvel and other big players, think they can go off brand name alone and then piss their talent away, 'we need more money, let's do a 20th anniversary Metal Gear Solid collection for full price with no features, give the devs 1 day to throw it together'. All the bigger companies eventually just become empty hollow suits with no soul.
SargonAelther: They build their whole empire on the works from the public domain, yet refuse to let ANYTHING go back there.
Own everything forever. That's how they see it. Putting things in public domain is not considered at all, otherwise for games source-code and documentation would be preserved, DRM removed after year one, convert entire libraries to subscription/renting, and not try to sue archiving groups trying to keep things from disappearing.
Then the case with the newer Alice in wonderland. Was suppose to be it's own parody and take on Alice, but Disney stomped in, and threatened them with being sued to oblivion or selling to Disney and having Disney finish it under their umbrella.
Poor Walt... really wonder how the company would have been if he lived another 30-40 years and directed the company, and his kids taking over properly... :(