I don't know how I forgot about these. I would definitely add them next to HoMM/Disciples/King's Bounty for their uniqueness.
This, while having some nice pixel art is just a very bad mobile "game". The fact that the guy making them, has already released like 7 titles, should let you know about their quality. At least I didn't like what I played from Royal Bounty, which is his attempt at cloning King's Bounty.
Ghorpm: Hammer of the Gods
This is the predecessor to Heroes of Might and Magic, and having "played" it, I would call it a tech demo, and not an actual game.
Not really in the same vain, or you might as well add Age of Wonders, and Master of Magic. These are closer to 4x/grand startegy... I don't know, I've never considered them similar to the three titles I mentioned, even though they are unbelievably good games.
Ghorpm: Clash
Heroes of Gaia
Never heard of these, but heroes of gaia is apparently an MMO? Don't get me wrong maybe there's something good in there, but I no longer tolerate MMOs, due to too many bad memories of pay to win and grinding. I'm done with anything that receives constant updates and content. Either you have a proper singleplayer campaign(even something procedurally generated like FTL and Darkest Dungeon) or I'm not even going to look at your game.