Crosmando: Cyberpunk will probably make more money on GOG than every other game on the platform combined
Well the other games(the classics) have smaller profit margins so there's that.
(BTW why is this low rated? Some rabid fans of gog cannot understand this isn't a dig against gog/cdpr, apparently)
ChrisGamer300: Not any different than lootboxes generate higher revenue than the games sales and the acceptance of drm, yes i don't like these trends in gaming but it is what it is and most people will never care even though their behavior might fire right back at them some day.
If you buy on hype and pre order then don't complain if you get burned, if you're fine with that then go ahead and i don't care anymore because it's useless trying to talk sense in the masses who just buy what they want and never think twice about the future effect it could have because corps go where the money is regardless of pro consumerism.
Bad trends will not go away unfortunately, best you can do is supporting the least terrible ones, hype and pre orders in the grand scheme of things isn't all that bad and it hurts those that gets carried away by it.
Corps also listen to the "squeakiest wheels" on social media, so complaining there also helps one's cause sometimes.
antrad88: More sad are the millions of people stuck playing one or two games like Fortnite, PUBG or Rust for years, getting excited about a new skin texture, instead of trying something new and different.
If I had access to so many games when I was a kid, all those summers where I had no idea what to do with myself... oh man, there are so many great games out there, so many stories and characters waiting to be discovered, everything at the tip of the finger.
Yet such new generations seem to care only about shouting random things at people over voice chat as they snipe someone/teabag their corpse in a game and other such stuff. :\
antrad88: More sad are the millions of people stuck playing one or two games like Fortnite, PUBG or Rust for years, getting excited about a new skin texture, instead of trying something new and different.
If I had access to so many games when I was a kid, all those summers where I had no idea what to do with myself... oh man, there are so many great games out there, so many stories and characters waiting to be discovered, everything at the tip of the finger.
Crosmando: Yeah the huge amount of people on Steam who only have a few F2P games on their account (usually TF2, CSGO and Dota2) is pretty sad. Just imagine playing the same maps over and over again every day for the rest of time, truly hellish.
To be fair I remember fondly some maps in classic TF and the fun I had with them.....many many years ago.