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Tallima: Taking: 4. Tetrobot And Co.
Congrats, and enjoy! I'm only about 40% of the way through. Some of those puzzles are flippin' hard! :)

If you like T&C, Blocks that Matter is the precursor, though while the puzzles are somewhat similar the gameplay is significantly different in some major respects. BtM is a bit more of a platform puzzler (and if you mess up a jump you may have to restart the whole level), whereas T&C is pretty purely spatial puzzles. If you mess anything up there's a 'rewind' button.

The tradeoff is that with the rewind in T&C they made the puzzles much more complex and the challenge is entirely in solving it.

Annnnnnywho, long-winded way of saying congrats to the winners, a big +1 to Doc for the GA, but not in myself. ;)
I too would like to add my desire to be in for Technobabylon. Glad to see it is getting so much love :D.
Cheers for the ongoing generosity, and the display of trust, Doc0075, +1.

And kudos to the community for proving worthy of Doc0075's trust, +1s all around.

I'll throw my hat in for Technobabylon: Deluxe Edition .
1. Geneforge Saga
2. To The Moon
3. Papers, Please
4. Tetrobot And Co.
5. Gabriel Knight: Sins Of The Father - 20th Anniversary Edition
6. Technobabylon: Deluxe Edition
7. The Incredible Adventures Of Van Helsing
8. The Incredible Adventures Of Van Helsing 2

Would really like to play -- 6. Technobabylon: Deluxe Edition

Ooh. Didn't know there was this kind of community-based giveaway. Great idea doc !

May I joining in ? I am in for the Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing.

*question : If I am not chosen, am I allowed to join the next person giveaway with different choice of game ?
high rated
Vythonaut: Thanks for the giveaway Doc! I would like to enter for Geneforge Saga!
heyo :D
I'm picking you to pass the torch of trust to :D

you'll get Doc0075's code in chat

what is currently left is:
1. Geneforge Saga
2. To The Moon
3. Papers, Please
6. Technobabylon: Deluxe Edition
7. The Incredible Adventures Of Van Helsing
8. The Incredible Adventures Of Van Helsing 2
I'm in for Papers, Please.

Thanks and +1

Per below post, I changed Geneforge Saga (already taken) to Papers, Please.
Post edited September 20, 2015 by Roxolani
Roxolani: I'm in for Geneforge Saga.

Thanks and +1
I'm afraid you just missed it. Try for something else maybe?
Roxolani: I'm in for Geneforge Saga.

Thanks and +1
Breja: I'm afraid you just missed it. Try for something else maybe?
No problem :)
Then I try Papers, Please.
Count me in for Technobabylon please
high rated
XYCat: heyo :D
I'm picking you to pass the torch of trust to :D
Thank you XYCat!

Just redeemed Geneforge Saga (THANK YOU DOC!) and i'm passing the code to someone (or should i say something?!) who doesn't take part in giveaways very often; the all-seeing eye of the forum, HypersomniacLive! Since i know it's love for quality point & click adventure games (although i have not yet fully understood how an eye points & clicks..), i think is the best nominee for the code.

*Knock knock*
- Who's there?
- The code!

Check your chat! :D

What's left:
1. To The Moon
2. Papers, Please
3. Technobabylon: Deluxe Edition
4. The Incredible Adventures Of Van Helsing
5. The Incredible Adventures Of Van Helsing 2
Post edited September 19, 2015 by Vythonaut
A new +1 to Doc0075, not to be confused with the old one... I mean the old +1.
Another trust giveaway? Thanks Doc0075!

I'm in for The Incredible Adventures Of Van Helsing

Congrats to Tallima, XYCat, Vythonaut, and HypersomniacLive! (so far...)
I'm in for The Incredible Adventures Of Van Helsing! Thanks to Doc0075, and congrats to winners!
Post edited September 19, 2015 by huN73R
Count me in for The Incredible Adventures Of Van Helsing 2, thank you.