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Big changes are here.

My Account is the heart of your experience. It's the one place that's 100% yours, and the place you always go to download your games and manage the entire library.
Starting today, your My Account is completely new - remade and redesigned from scratch to better support our growing library of games and many of your biggest requests. Aside from every usability fix we could think of, we've also introduced brand new tools to keep your library organised, and new social features to stay in touch with your friends.

The list of new features is long, but you can see the whole thing on our forums. The most important highlights include:

--Support for friends lists and chat.
--Shared wishlists.
--Advanced filtering and custom tags for your library.
--A new, detailed order history.
--Accessible game changelogs.

We're sure that these new changes will greatly improve your overall user experience on, and we can't wait to hear what you think on the wishlist and right here in the comments!
high rated
MoP: Any chance for manual sorting coming back? Because...

... and I had a wonderfully invented, meticulously crafted system that made me all giddy inside. And you horrible creatures killed it! (pardon if it's been answered 42 times already)
JudasIscariot: As of right now, no. If and whether it comes back, I do not know.
So, this is a direct contradiction of the library being '100% ours', and we cannot manage it the way we prefer. Thanks for the clarification. Now, PLEASE fix series sorting.

Here is the sorting system I used before you ruined it by removing my manual sorting.

- Superficially, games are sorted alphabetically.
- The first-released game in a series determines the alphabetical placement of that series in the library.
- Game series themselves are sorted by sequence number, or if no sequence number is present (i.e. - Hitman) then by release date. Prequels are sorted according to in-game chronology, so they appear before the first-released game of that series (i.e. - Divinity: Original Sin)
- Spin-offs are sorted after games and series with which they share a common in-game universe, and are themselves sorted by release date (i.e. Ultima games, Star Wars games)

Now, it may seem rather pedantic and trivial to some of you, but I sorted by this system to make MY games easier to locate in MY library, which has been erroneously claimed by GOG as '100% mine'. This system took several tries and many hours to develop, and was working wonderfully. Now, games are sorted either purely alphabetically by title or by purchase date, which is horrible in terms of user-friendliness and efficiency.

So, either dispense with the claims that our libraries our '100% ours' to manage according to our tastes, or at the very least, give us advanced notification that such a major change to user interface is coming, and when it will be implemented.

My reaction, after spending yet more money on your site and going to my library to sort the new purchase, was 'WTF DID YOU DO????'. The explanation in the first post of this thread served only to displease me further, and amounts to nothing but poorly-worded PR aimed at keeping us from flipping out. In that PR, it is claimed that these changes were decided after considering feedback from us, your bread and butter. I seriously doubt there was any demand that the manual sorting system be removed entirely.

You, JudasIscariot, explained how you didn't find the manual sorting system useful. Perhaps that's because you aren't a very organized person, or simply didn't care. Perhaps it's because you don't have hundreds of games to organize or browse through. But guess what; your individual experience does not preclude the fact that hundreds or thousands of GOG users did make use of manual sorting, and found it a rather important element of what they enjoyed about GOG and how it set GOG apart from other game retailers.

As I stated before, the only thing that sets GOG apart from most other retailers now is 'no DRM'. While it is certainly the biggest reason to use GOG over someone else, it's certainly not enough to retain some customers.

Right now, the GOG website library is useless to me outside its mundane purpose of 'list games'. No longer will I enjoy looking at the single page showing game boxes on a shelf, logically and aesthetically sorted as they would be on a real one.

But hey, you keep thinking the removal of customization is a 'usability fix'. :-(
high rated
avatar My Account is the heart of your experience. It's the one place that's 100% yours.
Even after more then 24h, I still have this half hysterical half desperate laugh whenever I remember, this sentence.
I'm happy with the My Account changes. I'll miss my shelf but it became a buggy mess after crossing a certain game count threshold and simply became a nightmare to manage. I'll take the new filters any day of the week over the ability to customize.
JudasIscariot: As of right now, no. If and whether it comes back, I do not know.
Fireholder: So, this is a direct contradiction of the library being '100% ours', and we cannot manage it the way we prefer. Thanks for the clarification. Now, PLEASE fix series sorting.

Here is the sorting system I used before you ruined it by removing my manual sorting.

- Superficially, games are sorted alphabetically.
- The first-released game in a series determines the alphabetical placement of that series in the library.
- Game series themselves are sorted by sequence number, or if no sequence number is present (i.e. - Hitman) then by release date. Prequels are sorted according to in-game chronology, so they appear before the first-released game of that series (i.e. - Divinity: Original Sin)
- Spin-offs are sorted after games and series with which they share a common in-game universe, and are themselves sorted by release date (i.e. Ultima games, Star Wars games)

Now, it may seem rather pedantic and trivial to some of you, but I sorted by this system to make MY games easier to locate in MY library, which has been erroneously claimed by GOG as '100% mine'. This system took several tries and many hours to develop, and was working wonderfully. Now, games are sorted either purely alphabetically by title or by purchase date, which is horrible in terms of user-friendliness and efficiency.

So, either dispense with the claims that our libraries our '100% ours' to manage according to our tastes, or at the very least, give us advanced notification that such a major change to user interface is coming, and when it will be implemented.

My reaction, after spending yet more money on your site and going to my library to sort the new purchase, was 'WTF DID YOU DO????'. The explanation in the first post of this thread served only to displease me further, and amounts to nothing but poorly-worded PR aimed at keeping us from flipping out. In that PR, it is claimed that these changes were decided after considering feedback from us, your bread and butter. I seriously doubt there was any demand that the manual sorting system be removed entirely.

You, JudasIscariot, explained how you didn't find the manual sorting system useful. Perhaps that's because you aren't a very organized person, or simply didn't care. Perhaps it's because you don't have hundreds of games to organize or browse through. But guess what; your individual experience does not preclude the fact that hundreds or thousands of GOG users did make use of manual sorting, and found it a rather important element of what they enjoyed about GOG and how it set GOG apart from other game retailers.

As I stated before, the only thing that sets GOG apart from most other retailers now is 'no DRM'. While it is certainly the biggest reason to use GOG over someone else, it's certainly not enough to retain some customers.

Right now, the GOG website library is useless to me outside its mundane purpose of 'list games'. No longer will I enjoy looking at the single page showing game boxes on a shelf, logically and aesthetically sorted as they would be on a real one.

But hey, you keep thinking the removal of customization is a 'usability fix'. :-(
wow..... thats quite a reply , very heavy

I have 353 games right now on GOG and i only used the latest by date sorting cause i would paste the results in a excel sheet then sort it using excell and add more options like dates, prices, what promo, the current listprice, the extras, the size of the download, ratings , and my own rating all sortable.

Lateron i had planned to use the xls into access 2007 and create a simple database.
But now the store and site has changed i wont do that cause doing so takes a lot of time to create a handmade database in 2007.

Arranging all games manually in the order we like (like a real shelf) is indeed handy.
I have 300 retail games thats 300 plastic dvd cases with a cd/dvd in it, these cannot be arranged using a script or filter :D
i have to do that by hand, and i even like that, i am a sorting freak and a control freak.
Now with new updates there is not much sorting to do by hand, and there is less control.

But, if it has to be then i accept it, nothing we can change about that, if a cafe decides to stop serving coffee then there's nothing we can do about it.
If the prices of gas go up, nothing we can do about that.
gamesfreak64: But, if it has to be then i accept it, nothing we can change about that, if a cafe decides to stop serving coffee then there's nothing we can do about it.
If the prices of gas go up, nothing we can do about that.
But... But we could change to another cafe and drive less to save gas :P
Post edited May 12, 2015 by moonshineshadow
gamesfreak64: But, if it has to be then i accept it, nothing we can change about that, if a cafe decides to stop serving coffee then there's nothing we can do about it.
If the prices of gas go up, nothing we can do about that.
moonshineshadow: But... But we could change to another cafe and drive less to save gas :P
yes... you are right
problem is i cant drive a car, and not even a bike, besides my medical prescriptions dont allow me to drive cars or bikes :D, i be wrapped around a tree or up against a wall in notime, so i have to use taxi or bus, or just walk.
Post edited May 12, 2015 by gamesfreak64
I like the new My Account area, especially that the library design is now consistent with the store.

The only flaw is the pagination. I wish it was possible to have all games in one's library on one page.
Yay, improvements!

Still, hopefully the classic mode can be implemented, with shelves and manual sorting (and those also with the current system).

Now the forums *crossesfinger*
high rated
If you're trying to piss off some your customers, well, you've succeeded.
Post edited May 12, 2015 by Kinlar
I've added a pair of wishlists, please check them:

- fix default game ordering, improve tags\filters and extend them to all catalog

- Fix the carriage return \ new line problem of some forms.

EDIT: oh s**t, I've posted them in the Galaxy section -_-'
EDIT: oh well, check also my forum polls wishlist

Search tags: phaolo1
Post edited May 12, 2015 by phaolo
high rated
I would like to get back the old bookshelf design, and with this please the ENDLESS list instead of now 6 pages to click through when i want to scroll through my collection.

Would be great if you coud offer a solution for both requests.
At least ask the user about how many entries he wants to see on each page (just like Ebay does, where you can go up to 200 entries for one list.
high rated
+You can share your Wishlist

- So they unbundled games, and now they've disappeared
- You can no longer manually arranged your Game Shelf
- Not really crazy about the new Shelf layout/design
- I've got 2 Update notices, but only 1 shows up anywhere . . .

Overall, it seems like a step backwards to me

WTF - where did all my Messages go?
I had unused Keys in these and now they're all gone - way to go GOG
Post edited May 12, 2015 by wanderer_27
If you look at the wishlist ( one gets a pretty good picture of what GOG needs to do in the near future. I guess they will be busy and we should give them some time.
Kinlar: If you're trying to piss off some your customers, well, you've succeeded.
to be fair you are always going to be pissing off some customers, you know the old saying "you can please some of the people some of the time but you can not please all the people all the time.". What matters is how many of them overall are actually pissed off. If say only 50 or so out of say a customer base of 1,500 are pissed off then it's not that bad now if it's say half the current customer base then you have a problem.

And in case anyone tries to point it out, no you can not base reactions of the customer base on the reactions here on the forum since alot of times that turns out to be a minority of a minority.
Post edited May 12, 2015 by DCT
Missing features I would like back:

1) Private messages
2) Manual arrangement for games
3) Previous shelf design or more designs

GOG user :)