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NuffCatnip: I have to admit, I don't agree with some of your comments, but getting every single post downvoted is too much. :/
Perhaps some of his current replies can show you why. It's come to the point where nobody actually reads what he says anymore, they just downvote and spam report him because they're sick of him. As tinyE pointed out, 99% of his posts are just abuse, so it's not really worth paying attention to him. We already know that any reply he makes to somebody is going to be an insult to someone or other, any post he makes in a thread where a scam attempt is brought up is going to be defending any scammer he finds, and every post he makes on a giveaway is going to be something about how the OP is trying to pump up his/her rep and how the people participating in it are horrible plagues on the community.
We all know he sticks around solely to try to irritate others, so it's not worth reading anything he says. The only thing to do is ignore it. And an easy way to hide posts is by downvoting them.

Anyways, to get back on track, I'll be in for Oxenfree.
I remember being scared about the alien creatures I saw in the "Voyage: Journey to the Moon" game when I was a kid.
Thanks for yet another amazing giveaway, Doc!
Nice giveaway! +1!

I'll be in for:


When I was a kid I would watch Star Trek with my dad sometimes. There was one creature that gave me nightmares for a week! It was the Salt Creature from the episode "The Man Trap". Not sure exactly what scared me about it, I think it might have been it's mouth. You can see a picture of it below.
low rated
NuffCatnip: I have to admit, I don't agree with some of your comments, but getting every single post downvoted is too much. :/
zeogold: Perhaps some of his current replies can show you why. It's come to the point where nobody actually reads what he says anymore, they just downvote and spam report him because they're sick of him. As tinyE pointed out, 99% of his posts are just abuse, so it's not really worth paying attention to him. We already know that any reply he makes to somebody is going to be an insult to someone or other, any post he makes in a thread where a scam attempt is brought up is going to be defending any scammer he finds, and every post he makes on a giveaway is going to be something about how the OP is trying to pump up his/her rep and how the people participating in it are horrible plagues on the community.
We all know he sticks around solely to try to irritate others, so it's not worth reading anything he says. The only thing to do is ignore it. And an easy way to hide posts is by downvoting them.

Anyways, to get back on track, I'll be in for Oxenfree.
I remember being scared about the alien creatures I saw in the "Voyage: Journey to the Moon" game when I was a kid.
Thanks for yet another amazing giveaway, Doc!
Can't help yourself can ya? You ALWAYS stick your big nose in for a say.People like you are what drives me,so keep it up and I will keep it up.Maybe one day you will learn to keep your mouth shut,Mr Religious Ego getter.
1) Thanks doc for the giveaway!
2) I am not in, though!
3) My favorite monsters as a kid, were the demons from hellraiser. I accidentally watched the first movie on TV once, while staying up late. I had nightmares for weeks, thereafter!
Post edited October 31, 2016 by KiNgBrAdLeY7
Thanks for the explanation guys...and sorry for derailing the thread. `:)
low rated
Okay this is ridiculous! It says anyone can enter this giveaway, yet I still get low rated for it! Who is doing this! I joined five months ago and post in the discussions almost every day! How can I gain trust around here?!
Post edited October 31, 2016 by Lucius_Malfoy
Lucius_Malfoy: Okay this is ridiculous! It says anyone can enter this giveaway, yet I still get down rated for it! Who is doing this! I joined five months ago and post in the discussions almost every day! How can I gain trust around here?!
And I got every other post of mine downrated for making a thread about cereal.
Just ignore rep and "low rating"-s on posts. Those don't matter. We all know the system is utterly, completely broken, and you could be rep-stalked by anybody from a ticked-off political zealot to a scammer who doesn't like the fact that you're better-accepted than he is.
What matters is what people think of you. If anybody actually has a problem with you, they'll step up and tell you so. We've all been around here long enough to know the issues here, and we can recognize you over time and respect you just like anyone else.
Lucius_Malfoy: Okay this is ridiculous! It says anyone can enter this giveaway, yet I still get down rated for it! Who is doing this! I joined five months ago and post in the discussions almost every day! How can I gain trust around here?!
I'm down 1600.

Lighten up.
Post edited October 31, 2016 by tinyE
Lucius_Malfoy: Okay this is ridiculous! It says anyone can enter this giveaway, yet I still get down rated for it! Who is doing this! I joined five months ago and post in the discussions almost every day! How can I gain trust around here?!
zeogold: And I got every other post of mine downrated for making a thread about cereal.
Just ignore rep and "low rating"-s on posts. Those don't matter. We all know the system is utterly, completely broken, and you could be rep-stalked by anybody from a ticked-off political zealot to a scammer who doesn't like the fact that you're better-accepted than he is.
What matters is what people think of you. If anybody actually has a problem with you, they'll step up and tell you so. We've all been around here long enough to know the issues here, and we can recognize you over time and respect you just like anyone else.
My problem isn't with the low rep, it's with the lack of trust. I would think it was a scammer if all my posts or just random ones got low rated, but it's just when I participate in giveaways which leads me to believe it's a member who dosen't trust me. I think I know who it is, but I'm not gonna seek revenge, I just wanna know why he dosen't trust me.

Either way all I have to say is I participate in giveaways that are for everybody, so whoever it is, I don't care what your problem is with me, you can stop low rating me.

Edit: Okay so now I see that a lot of other entries have been low rated as well, so it may have been Tauto. I'm sorry guys, I just got off to a bad start when I first joined and have been weary ever since.

Someone has been after me lately that is not a scammer but that dosen't seem to be the case with this. Again sorry. X)
Post edited November 03, 2016 by Lucius_Malfoy
zeogold: And I got every other post of mine downrated for making a thread about cereal.
Just ignore rep and "low rating"-s on posts. Those don't matter. We all know the system is utterly, completely broken, and you could be rep-stalked by anybody from a ticked-off political zealot to a scammer who doesn't like the fact that you're better-accepted than he is.
What matters is what people think of you. If anybody actually has a problem with you, they'll step up and tell you so. We've all been around here long enough to know the issues here, and we can recognize you over time and respect you just like anyone else.
Lucius_Malfoy: My problem isn't with the low rep, it's with the lack of trust. I would think it was a scammer if all my posts or just random ones got low rated, but it's just when I participate in giveaways which leads me to believe it's a member who dosen't trust me. I think I know who it is, but I'm not gonna seek revenge, I just wanna know why he dosen't trust me.

Either way all I have to say is I participate in giveaways that are for everybody, so whoever it is, I don't care what your problem is with me, you can stop low rating me.
I lose 6 a day even if I don't post. A lot of us do.

Like I said, lighten up, and more than that, stop complaining about it.
Lucius_Malfoy: My problem isn't with the low rep, it's with the lack of trust. I would think it was a scammer if all my posts or just random ones got low rated, but it's just when I participate in giveaways which leads me to believe it's a member who dosen't trust me. I think I know who it is, but I'm not gonna seek revenge, I just wanna know why he dosen't trust me.

Either way all I have to say is I participate in giveaways that are for everybody, so whoever it is, I don't care what your problem is with me, you can stop low rating me.
tinyE: I lose 6 a day even if I don't post. A lot of us do.

Like I said, lighten up, and more than that, stop complaining about it.
Like I said I wasn't complaining about the low rep, but I edited my post. Sorry. X)

You guys are very touchy. I wasn't complaining to you, just to whoever has a problem with me. Also sorry for derailing the thread. X)
Post edited November 03, 2016 by Lucius_Malfoy
Lucius_Malfoy: My problem isn't with the low rep, it's with the lack of trust. I would think it was a scammer if all my posts or just random ones got low rated, but it's just when I participate in giveaways which leads me to believe it's a member who dosen't trust me. I think I know who it is, but I'm not gonna seek revenge, I just wanna know why he dosen't trust me.
Don't worry about it. I understand your concerns, but it happens to all of us.
Like I said, if anyone didn't trust you, they'd come out and say so.
If you want more info about it, I could tell you over PM. For now, I'll avoid derailing the thread further.
high rated
tinyE: I lose 6 a day even if I don't post. A lot of us do.

Like I said, lighten up, and more than that, stop complaining about it.
Lucius_Malfoy: Like I said I wasn't complaining about the low rep, but I edited my post. Sorry x)
Fair enough. Just remember, myself and zeo are two of the better loved people in here and some asshole or two has stuck a a script on us, probably for no other reason than we are liked. So if you do get hit, and your name isn't Tauto, I'd take it as a compliment. :D
low rated
zeogold: And I got every other post of mine downrated for making a thread about cereal.
Just ignore rep and "low rating"-s on posts. Those don't matter. We all know the system is utterly, completely broken, and you could be rep-stalked by anybody from a ticked-off political zealot to a scammer who doesn't like the fact that you're better-accepted than he is.
What matters is what people think of you. If anybody actually has a problem with you, they'll step up and tell you so. We've all been around here long enough to know the issues here, and we can recognize you over time and respect you just like anyone else.
Lucius_Malfoy: My problem isn't with the low rep, it's with the lack of trust. I would think it was a scammer if all my posts or just random ones got low rated, but it's just when I participate in giveaways which leads me to believe it's a member who dosen't trust me. I think I know who it is, but I'm not gonna seek revenge, I just wanna know why he dosen't trust me.

Either way all I have to say is I participate in giveaways that are for everybody, so whoever it is, I don't care what your problem is with me, you can stop low rating me.

Edit: Okay so now I see that a lot of other entries have been low rated as well, so it may have been Tauto. I'm sorry guys, I just got off to a bad start when I first joined and have been weary ever since.

Someone has been after me lately that is not a scammer but that dosen't seem to be the case with this. Again sorry x)
I am not down voting you as we haven't had words before BUT if you say it's me again,I will slam you.GOT IT?
tinyE: So if you do get hit, and your name isn't Tauto, I'd take it as a compliment. :D
Pretty much this.
Only the more upstanding members of the community tend to get hit, and those who DO actually get hit by the community itself are obvious by how people treat them (consider how frequently people get irritated with the likes of Tauto, rctvb32, dtgreene, ciomalau, and others).

Now, to try to steer this a bit back towards the topic at hand...
Looking at all these entries, I have to honestly wonder what some of you were doing watching horror movies as kids, especially the gore/slasher-type.