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Hi Doc0075! Thanks for the giveaway. I would like to be in for Dead Space, please.

I didn't watch many horror movies when I was a kid, those kind of movies usually only played very late, and with originally only 2 TV channels available, viewing oportunities were scarse. Adding to it, my memory is crappy, so I really don't have many detailed memories. I have some vague idea of watching old Dracula movies, with Christopher Lee, so that imagery stuck with me for when picturing vampires.

My most vivid memory of something really scary was not from a monster per se, but something monstrous, the infamous acid bath scene from Robocop (I was way too much young when I managed to watch it!), it still gives me creeps!

As for monsters, I remember mostly the combo creepy kids/Decaying body from The Shining and Freddy Krueger. The begining of Nightmare on Elm Street, with the girl on the ceiling creeped me out!
In for Oxenfree or Sunless Sea, please :)

As for my scariest monster... I don't know. You see, when I was a child, around ~7-8 I was once given a pack of various games by my dad, and among them was an horror game, mostly a text adventure albeit with rather crude CGA-ish graphics to compliment the narrative. I found the concept really cool, so I started playing it... alone, at night. In retrospect, yeah.

In the game, I remember entering a creepy mansion, looking around then deciding to go to the kitchen, where I saw a little girl sobbing into the floor. So I got close and said something to the girl, when she turned around with the creepiest face the graphics could portray, followed by the text announcing my violent death. I ran the hell away from my computer, never played the game again, I never knew whether the girl was a ghost, a monster or whatever else, and to this day "crying girls" instantly get a shotgun to the face whenever they appear in a game (which, incidentally, felt like very sweet revenge on L4D).
Not entering, just wanted say ty for your generosity +1 :)
I'd like to be in for Dragon Age: Origins Ultimate Edition

And to be honest, monsters and creatures didn't really scare me as a kid (or even now). Back then, I guess the thing that scared me was darkness in the outdoors. Something unknown creeping up on me disguised by the regular night-time noises.
Never really watched a movie or read a book that brought me that same feeling.
Not it but great giveaway with awesome titles.
Really nice giveaway! I'm in. (Sunless Sea would be amazing)


All those scary fairy tales for kids where misbehaving people are taken by a čert to hell (8:38 - 10:40~) . Pretty scary for a kid!
Post edited October 30, 2016 by LordEbu
I would like to be in for 1. Dragon Age, or 2. Sunless Sea

Ghosts definitely scared me for the longest, I was afraid to be in the dark with mirrors because of certain stories about ghosts and mirrors.
I also remember being really afraid of the ghost of Marley in A Christmas Carol, I don't remember which version, but he was all blue and just terrifying to the very young me.
low rated
Oooooh goodie goodie another begger's delight.
Tauto: Oooooh goodie goodie another begger's delight.
Woah, weren't you at -700 just a month ago?

I have to admit, I don't agree with some of your comments, but getting every single post downvoted is too much. :/
Tauto: Oooooh goodie goodie another begger's delight.
NuffCatnip: Woah, weren't you at -700 just a month ago?

I have to admit, I don't agree with some of your comments, but getting every single post downvoted is too much. :/
In his case he kind of did bring it on himself. I'm NOT defending what his happening to him but 99 out of every 100 posts he makes is belittling someone in here. It's not hard to imagine people wanting to go after that 1 in 100 as well.

ALSO, with that title, EVERY SINGLE one of his posts is openly promoting a scammer who has bilked GOG users out of countless dollars.
Post edited October 30, 2016 by tinyE
low rated
Tauto: Oooooh goodie goodie another begger's delight.
NuffCatnip: Woah, weren't you at -700 just a month ago?

I have to admit, I don't agree with some of your comments, but getting every single post downvoted is too much. :/
I'm very popular:)
NuffCatnip: Woah, weren't you at -700 just a month ago?

I have to admit, I don't agree with some of your comments, but getting every single post downvoted is too much. :/
tinyE: In his case he kind of did bring it on himself. I'm NOT defending what his happening to him but 99 out of every 100 posts he makes is belittling someone in here. It's not hard to imagine people wanting to go after that 1 in 100 as well.

ALSO, with that title, EVERY SINGLE one of his posts is openly promoting a scammer who has bilked GOG users out of countless dollars.
How does it feel with no alts to pump up your rep with?:)
Post edited October 30, 2016 by Tauto
I take it back, I AM defending what is happening to him. :P
NuffCatnip: I have to admit, I don't agree with some of your comments, but getting every single post downvoted is too much. :/
Always these comments -_-
Users who visit the forum less should understand that they can't see the full picture and should stop naively defending bad people, just because a few normal posts get downrated too.
Post edited October 31, 2016 by phaolo
low rated
NuffCatnip: I have to admit, I don't agree with some of your comments, but getting every single post downvoted is too much. :/
phaolo: Always these comments -_-
Users who visit the forum less should understand that they can't see the full picture and should stop naively defending bad people, just because a few normal posts gets downrated when they're online.
Go and scab a game or play on the road.
Thanks for the generous giveaway.

I'm in for


Even though I watched a lot of horror movies as a kid I wasn't really afraid of any monster in particular.