As far as zombie movies go, depends what you are looking for in them.
Most zombie movies seem to be about survival, mostly. I recently saw "Maggie" (2015) which is a different kind of zombie movie, concentrating on drama and the social aspects of there being zombies (or a disease causing zombification among humans). How do people and the society act and react when someone gets the disease etc. All the more surprising seeing the old Arnold in one of the lead roles, and acting ok in it. I found it a refreshingly different movie from other zombie movies. It is like someone making a movie about Vietnam war that was actually a comedy... oh wait, they already did Tropic Thunder, if that counts...
About movies in general... I still don't understand superhero movies, why they are so wildly popular. Yesterday I saw e.g. Captain America: Civil War (I think it was my second time seeing it, but maybe I didn't watch it completely the first time...).
I have to agree with that world famous movie director, whatshisname, who said superhero movies are mere rollercoaster rides, not real movies. Well, naturally they are movies, but a rollercoaster ride depicts them so well, in that they just pretend to be exciting movies, but they really aren't.
Watching that movie yesterday, I wasn't at the edge of my seat at any point, excited to see what happens to someone... there is no excitement at all in battle scenes. You are not afraid of the survival of the protagonist(s), you know they will just keep going, the fights are mere fluff where heroes first knock down a couple dozen common henchmen with their left hand, and then trade some blows with their nemesis while sharing their life stories and "complicated history" together, without either one getting any injuries from the battle.
It is all so superficial. Even the stupid funeral scene near the beginning of the movie... my god, was I supposed to feel sorrow for that scene? It was all so badly acted and cliched. I have been in real funerals you know, like the ones of my own father and mother, and they were much better scripted and acted! I actually cried there, ffs!
And that (Captain America: Civil War), my friends, was the highest earning movie of 2016, allegedly. Trash, but polished trash. Quick, someone who just loves superhero movies, can you explain what is so great about them?