Posted December 21, 2015

2023-08-14: Remember the Spaces!
Registered: Jul 2012
From United States

Eldritch Being
Registered: Jun 2009
From Other
Posted December 21, 2015
Yes. After all, even bad media can be used for parody, retrospectives, speculation of lost opportunities, or examples of how to engineer something better.

New User
Registered: Sep 2014
From Canada
Posted December 21, 2015
If I could add an entire genre of games I don't want to see on GOG, I would choose any of the recent multiplayer only games that have come out in the past year or so. Especially since the price is still 60 dollars, sometimes more, when you would think that they could could cut the price in half since there is no single player campaign to speak of anymore.

2023-08-14: Remember the Spaces!
Registered: Jul 2012
From United States

Eldritch Being
Registered: Jun 2009
From Other
Posted December 21, 2015

Good things do not exist in a vacuum. More often than not, the best creations stem from understanding why something does and doesn't work. By excising "negative" content from existence, the ability to learn from mistakes is compromised.

The Geek Chef
Registered: Mar 2009
From United States
Posted December 21, 2015

As long as they have quality content, lan support and allow private servers I say theres nothing wrong with them.

Registered: Dec 2012
From Germany
Posted December 21, 2015
I don't want any more Win7/8/10-only games on this site, especcially when they're OLD.
Making old games (well, their "enhanced editions" like with System Shock, Grandia 2 or Turok) exclusively available to a very few modern and heavily DRM loaded operating systems is bad.
Times have changed, many former Win98/WinXP users migrated outside of the M$-realm and even Steam has accepted that and is supporting it.
Making old games (well, their "enhanced editions" like with System Shock, Grandia 2 or Turok) exclusively available to a very few modern and heavily DRM loaded operating systems is bad.
Times have changed, many former Win98/WinXP users migrated outside of the M$-realm and even Steam has accepted that and is supporting it.
Post edited December 21, 2015 by Klumpen0815

Always a noob
Registered: Oct 2008
From Clipperton Island
Posted December 21, 2015
I don't want any games on GOG. Games are the path to the dark side. Buying games leads to guilt not playing them. Guilt leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to trolling, trolling leads to long and meaningless online discussions, long and meaningless online discussions lead to suffering.

New User
Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted December 21, 2015
If the topic was "a game you don't want DRM-free," then yeah, everything should be DRM-free, including even the terrible games. Showing up on GOG, though? They already curate (maybe even too much), so we already know that not everything will show up. They also provide support, and support being tied up helping someone with a terrible game means less support for those having problems with good games. Didn't they disappear off the face of the planet around the Witcher 3 release for that reason? Maybe I'm remembering things wrong.

HelpThe Aged-Me!
Registered: Apr 2012
From United Kingdom
Posted December 21, 2015

Registered: Sep 2008
From Mexico

The Puzzlemaster
Registered: Dec 2012
From United States
Posted December 21, 2015

Edit: Forgot to mention Gobliins Pack and Sanitarium, although I haven't played the latter.


Dude, I'm a Lady
Registered: Oct 2008
From United States
Posted December 21, 2015
There's a game that isn't about apiculture that I had hoped GOG would turn down, but it showed up anyway. Such is life. Just wish I had an easy way to block only the promo graphics for that and LSL from displaying when those titles go on sale, since I sometimes check sales from my work computer on my lunch hour.

Registered: Sep 2008
From Mexico
Posted December 22, 2015

The NeoGeo "ports" sold at Humble: Using an emulator that's SIX YEARS old, with a crappy UI pasted on, and no gamepad configuration available.
Irem Arcade Hits: Poorly emulated games, with awful audio, and the promised fixes never arrived.
Raptor: Call of the Shadows 2015 Edition: Another poor emulation job. Abominable audio options.
The only reason they didn't screw up Ishar, Goblins, or Robinson's Requiem: DOSBox and ScummVM. How could they screw up when other people did the heavy lifting for them?
So yes. I don't want them here.

Registered: Dec 2012
From Germany
Posted December 22, 2015

I'm always baffled at how often I hear about people doing private stuff there and wanting to have NSFW labels.
Workplace PCs are not for private stuff, it's as easy as that.
PS: HuniePop is a surprisingly well made game and quite clever in some regards.
Post edited December 22, 2015 by Klumpen0815