HunchBluntley: -
Average = OK within its genre, but it's got problems or shortcomings that keep it from being considered even good, let along excellent
Sufficient = Average or above (for the person doing the evaluating)
Insufficient = Below average (for the person doing the evaluating)
That's why I say "sufficient" and "insufficient" are still very relative terms -- looked at in light of the above definitions, If I had to assign a rating (or range of possible ratings) on the 1-5 scale to the above terms, I would say "average" = 3, "insufficient" would equal 1-2, and "sufficient" would mean 3-5.
phaolo: I can understand your reasoning, but.. you're considering something below "sufficient" as "average" and "OK", but not yet "insufficient"? Mm..
It seems like you're actually looking for a neutral value, but using wrong terms.
I think I just explained it rather confusingly. :) I didn't mean that those three terms together composed a hypothetical rating scale -- I was just defining what I think "average" should mean on such a scale, and then defining your two words in terms of how they relate to MY word. Does that make better sense?
phaolo: I would maybe agree with that choice, if only 5\10 wouldn't be considered a fail result almost everywhere.
And that's the problem -- ratings for game reviews have been skewed
horribly by the games news industry over the years. Like I said in an earlier post, it's pointless to have 1-6 all mean "don't play it", have 7 be the "mediocre" rating, and only have three different levels of "good". (I actually like the simple 5-point scale that Falkenherz quoted -- it leaves less room for equivocation.)
phaolo: (3\5 somehow feels more positive.. maybe also because it translates to 6\10)
Technically, translating 3/5 to a 10-point scale would make it 5.5/10, at least if you're going for a single usable rating that's dead center on the scale (...then again, a 10-point scale that allows half-point increments isn't really a 10-point scale). Otherwise, it'd be equivalent to a range: "5 to 6 out of 10". ;D
(Sorry if I'm going a bit too deep with this digression. It's kinda interesting, though, and I'm bored! =D )