Matewis: Ugh, I hate that leveling system. Especially when combined with enemy scaling.
Two things for Oblivion quickly come to mind. First is some of the hell portals required to continue, get harder and harder and harder, and felt impossible to beat unless you shoved the difficulty down to ludicrous levels. Tried leveling to like level 10 or something but then the monsters just got stronger. Ugg...
The the second was this same bandit. A Kahjiit bandit who insists you pay him 100 gold or he does bad things. Leather armor, a club, etc, sorta expected. 20 levels later, same bandit that I killed before, except now he has all glass armor and weapons, and he's still only asking 100 gold.
Yeah, if it's one thing that killed it for me (
besides nerfed magic/enchanting) then it was everything leveling with you making you feel like you made no progress in strength really.